
Do you think we will have a better summer in Ireland this year then we had last year?

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Do you think we will have a better summer in Ireland this year then we had last year?




  1. Yes - definitely, can't wait for the summer! =]

  2. I hope so! Last summer is the worst I can remember. We can't get another one as bad right the following year. But in Ireland you never know.

  3. Well I hope so. I have things to do about the house that I didn't get done last year. But with our Irish weather it is very hard to decide what it will be like.

  4. Hiya!

    The wettest Summer in 2007 on record. So I can understand why you ask that question.

    I've actually studied climate change over a period of 10 years and feel this info will actually help you when the time comes in June.

    The reason for such bad weather was because of the jet stream that runs right over UK at 300 miles per hr. It's actually this that controls whether you have a good or bad Summer. If this is over the UK and where it should be then that's great since this usually means a good Summer to come. If it's too far right and misses the UK like in 2007 it'll bring heavy flooding or very bad Summers.

    So look for this data in June & you'll know more or less the Summer to be.

    But I will say "yes" It'll be a great Summer! The best on record and plenty of days at the beach and eating ice-cream"

  5. I would think so.

  6. Here's hoping.

  7. No.



  9. Frankly, I don't know. Never been to Ireland but if you say last year was really bad than chances are it'll be better.

    If you need good weather get to Aruba. It's 30 Celsius year around and the sun bakes everything on the white beaches so I think you'll enjoy it.

    You're all welcome anytime

  10. Well lets face it, it wouldnt be very difficult for it to be better!!! It rained like all of last summer

  11. Bloody hope so!

  12. We had a week in Ireland in October and couldn't have wished for better weather....maybe if we come over during the summer we will bring the good weather with us!

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