
Do you think we will have to surrender all guns eventually to the government? Even collectors?

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Do you think we will have to surrender all guns eventually to the government? Even collectors?




  1. It happened in Australia.  It was of no consequence to me, but I have always thought there was a wider agenda and now as I sense the world racing towards a social, economic, political, climate and consciousness flash point I am wondering if the consequences are yet to be fully felt.

  2. According to reports, that is the agenda of the "New world order"

  3. Never.  No way in h**l will the 2nd amendment be repealed.

  4. sure as he ll hope not!!!!!!!

    according to the info we get from the nra hillary wants to inact a policy that if you are a registered gun owner the police will have free reign to come in and search your house at any time they feel like it.

    i think it's pure bs what she wants to pull

  5. Most liberals and B.H.Obama would like to

  6. The Second Amendment to the US Constitution and the Constitutions of the various states makes removal of all guns from the private sector very difficult. The Founders realized this is the only way to protect Americans from their so-called government.

    The Germans prior to WWII were duped into surrendering their firearms in order to ensure their safety. The same attempts have occurred here. The Brady Bill is a prime example.

    The ultimate goal is the complete subjugation of the people. It looks like it will happen through economic means making the removal of all guns a moot point.

  7. No when they abolish the second Amendment we will just have  a good 100M+ more illegal guns in the publics hands.

  8. natal.... show me some proof of that BS.

    Obama on the other hand would like to put the UN in control of our gun rights... that's tied into the poverty act BS.

  9. No.  You sound like a paranoid gun nut.

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