
Do you think we will stir up paranormal activity?

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We are planning to add an addition to our house next year. We currently have no activity that I am aware off. However, I have heard stories of people renovating who stir up ghosts. I have had paranormal experiences in the past, so I do not need convincing that they don't exist please.




  1. I would look at it this way. If your family owned the house for 5 generations and you were forced to sell it would you be pleased (or upset) about the addition to the house?

    Perhaps if you are fixing up a home for no other reason than to make a profit (flip the house) then previous owners might be upset. If you tear down a historic mansion to make room for a high rise apartment complex then previous owners might be upset. If construction disturbs the cemetery that your building the addition over that could be a problem.

    Short of such concerns I don't see why spirits would be concerned with home improvements.

  2. Why would you even take that in to consideration and why are you posting this in a Science & Mathematics section


  3. no it shouldnt matter, nor make a difference....i used to get a bit of activity in my home...but then a year ago i extended it double the size and fixed up the old part so it all blends in nicely together...i have had a couple of things happen, but not because of the house its more on a personal yeah the same both ways before and after, but not because of the house........†

  4. I have a feeling it doesn't take much for you to stir up paranormal activity.

  5. But they *don't* exist.  You have a tenuous grasp of reality.  If you have kids, you're s******g their heads up every time you talk about this nonsense.   And maybe once in awhile you *should* listen to reason.

    Yo, Mr. Smarty, learn to read.  This is under Science and Mathematics.

  6. If you have had experiences in the past, there's no telling when something will happen to you because of your sloppy belief.

    Let's start with your new house.  If you're planning to break ground, there's that frame of thinking that disturbing the earth could cause you trouble.  If this were the case, every time you worked in the garden you would stir something up.  The thing with houses is, usually they have had previous owners, and any used space is going to have left over energy.  At times you get into trouble when your current energy clashes with the leftovers.  And since alterations and upgrades are stressful, this energy is something else you have to deal with.

    All in all what you're looking for is balance.  This is best achieved, if your acting on what you really want.  If you're already a believer, have some fellow believers over to check the place out.  It may be enough that you don't alter the house a particular way.  I firmly believe that the home you live in is just as much a part of the family and anyone else.  If the house isn't ready to change, it will tell you.  

    Do all things out of love.

  7. Construction and remodeling does not always stir up activity. a lot of it depends on where the structure is located and who owned it before. I have heard stories of ghost getting upset because of remodeling their house they loved so much.

    Usually that involves very nice and expensive historic homes. the average home probably would not upset the previous owner if it is a ghost.

    One  skeptic told me one time that some skeptics are willing to believe but not as easy as most believers, they need hard proof and then went on to say that some skeptics will not believe if a ghost appeared and kicked them in the behind.


  8. Well, seeing as there isn't ANYTHING which is actually known, in a scientific way, to stir up paranormal activity, I think the answer is no, not very likely.

  9. It all depends. Find out the history of your house. If it's a really old house, it's more likely to disturb ghosts. When we renovated my house, a lot of paranormal stuff happened and still does. We found out that our house was 140 yrs old and maybe even older.

  10. It is doubtfull that anything will manifest from the addition.

    If you are hoping for something to come from it you may need to build a very very big addition.  Then you will cover enough ground to stir up something.

  11. You definitely stirred up some laughter in me.

  12. most likely not. most homes or apts are not haunted and never have been so you cant stir anything that isnt there. I wouldnt worry about it, if it does, all you have to do is run around the house smoking a cigar and waving some burning sage all over, and dont forget the incense. if your that worried have the place blessed before and after working on it by a wikken high priestess. Dont forget to buy some new mirrors to trap the evil ghosts, but they have to be new!!! make sure you get some pics while your doing the demolition, i want to check out the orbs throughout the house, but its got to be right after the walls knocked out and at night using the flash! good luck with the remodel.

    yo kb, you still dont have to click the mouse on the paranormal section. Maybe i should go in there and heckle the dweebs and faithless? naw, I have too much self esteem to heckle those I dont agree with.

  13. If you believe it will happen , it will , If not , you have nothing to worry about .

  14. This Paranormal Section does not exist.

  15. How old is the house?

    Generally yes, you will stir up activity.

    However, I have personally found that if you are "sticking" to the natural plan of the rest of the house, they may not act in a dissruptive manner.

    Example, if you were to totally renovate the house totally different from its original floor plan, that would cause a stirr.  Now, if you add a room on, but stay to the naturalness of the suroundings, they may be more at piece.

    Remember, that was (& still is) their home, or their area.  To drastically change it(or modernize beyound reconition), that would be insulting & cause confusion on their part.

    It all depends on how drastic your changes are.

    Thomas, this is a paranormal section, he asked a legitimate question that is appropiate for "Paranormal".  Get off his back!!

    You are going to have several answers.  There are a Large amount of people who don't believe in "ghosts or spirits", but you have an even larger number that do believe.

    Please, for those who say there are no such thing as ghosts, I want Scientific Proof they don't!!

  16. Suppose you were to teach your kids that if they kill lots of people, they will be rewarded in heaven.  

    Would it not be better (for them, and for society as a whole) to teach them how to logically question things for themselves, rather than teach them things which are clearly and obviously untrue, like most religious and paranormal superstition?


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