
Do you think we will use hydrogen as fuel for vehicles ?

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Do you think we will use hydrogen as fuel for vehicles ?




  1. Most definitely. Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe and as soon as man can find a way to cheaply produce it in quantity and store it safely for use, it will quicky replace fossil fuels as our primary energy source.

  2. To a limited extent, yes.

  3. Most definitely. The department of defense is experimenting with it, right now, and seems to be having very good luck with it.

    It will not be produced by electrolysis as mentioned in an above answer, because that simply isn't feasible.

    Ongoing research in the microbial science fields, and fermentation industry, has a simple goal in mind of finding a microorganism that produces Hydrogen more efficiently. Once one is found, or engineered, it will remove the bottle-kneck of hydrogen production, and you'll start to see the technology flooding the market.

    Electrolysis may be used to reach production quotas, if production falls short of demand, but i highly doubt it will be the foundation of the hydrogen fuel industry.

    Yes, hydrogen vehicles are expensive to manufacture, because they aren't mainstream, and mass produced yet. Newer technology isn't needed to bring the manufacturing costs down, only higher volumes of production. This is why all newer technology costs so much when it is first released.

  4. we cannot say that hydrogen will be used in future. but if any other elements added to it, then it can be used as a fuel.

  5. they say it's cleaner 'cause it forms clean water when

    used, but it's dangerous since hydrogen is highly

    flammable, reminiscing the zeppeling burning down.

  6. Not now ,but in very near future we have to go to this energy source because it is abundantly available and is clean.But that needs a lot of research

  7. Yes i really do . If not then I'm wrong no thing if I'm not wrong then I'm rich  .

    Something has got to give . I just cant see prices keep going up and up on fuel . Somebodies lining there pockets and its coming out of mine. I hate to see winter come back the heating bill is going to put us all in the hole .

  8. i think so..everyone wants to come up with the replacement for fossil fuels..

  9. I have seen the BMW hydrogen hybrid car, as well as one from Mercedes and from Volkswagen. According to the BMW engineer touring with the group the current generation BMW (I think it was a 5-series) would retail at about $1 million. The next generation would run about $150-200K and they are still quite a ways off from having something commercially viable.

  10. No you couldn't afford to drive it. That's why it isn't being produced. We still don't have the technology yet. I guarantee if there was money to be made it would be on the market.

  11. BMW is producing a car u can use both, hydrogen and gasoline.

    The first problem: it´s just a limited-lot production

    The second problem: it´s very expensive

    The third problem: try to find a petrol station (there is one in munich

  12. Wow, I sure hope so.  We're way too dependent on oil.  Ethanol is not the answer.  Clean, next to free or free fuel is the answer.  Nature and man with both smile.

  13. Ford Motor Company is betting on it

    real big.

    They have a whole line of hydrogen

    cars on the planning board, set to

    show up within 5 years.

  14. Absolutely, as soon as we build nuclear power plants to generate the electricity to produce it from water.  Ironically, it's less dangerous than gasoline, despite what someone else posted.

  15. Is use in a research vehivle like one in the hybrid


  16. Definitely.But , it would require much more R&D and time .

  17. not in the forseeabe future.

    It takes as much energy to "make" the H2 as what you can get out of it.. assuming no losses at either end of the process, which is a bad assumption.

    There's waste heat at both ends.

  18. yes,we will use hydrogen as fuel.but it will take 10-15 years for it.because we have to develope technology for it.we also have to convience people for it.we also have to fix crores of hydrogen gas tanks.the biggest problem is people dont understand need of alternative fuel.they will understand it when patrol and diesel will empty.

  19. Only if the oil companies allow us to.

  20. No, big oil will never go away!!

  21. YES!!*

  22. Hydrogen has several problems it has to overcome for it in order to be a practical fuel for vehicles. First and foremost, hydrogen is extremely flammable and this has led to several airship disasters in the 1930s. Secondly, although hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, most of the hydrogen exists in the form of water. In order to obtain energy from hydrogen, electrolysis is used, and unfortunately, this process uses massive amounts of energy.

    Currently hydrogen cars are extremely expensive to manufacture, 1+ million per vehicle. Fortunately, future technologies might make the cost of hydrogen vehicle competitive with normal vehicles.

    One advantage of hydrogen is that it is a clean burning fuel, and it is capable of storing massive amounts of energy.

  23. No, has little power and very dangerous because of pressure.

  24. i hope so, because paying $3+ on a gallon of gas is killing me, (and the environment) i hope that we start using other alternate fuels, not just hydrogen.....maybe something cheaper =D

  25. hydrogen can be used now but who will save us from terrorists when they attack the hydrogen storage tanks meant for redistribution in cylinder form to car users

  26. clean, reliable fuel, with no down side, of course not

  27. I hope not.  A bad accident with that highly explosive junk can level an entire city block.

    BOOOOM !

    Oh the humanity !

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