
Do you think we would have less criminals if society treated its weakest citizens better?

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Do you think we would have less criminals if society treated its weakest citizens better?




  1. Not in this country!! We all need to be treated better! The cops are a joke!

  2. No, I don't think that would be the case at all.  

    I personally think how people grow up and what they become in their lives depends a lot upon how they are raised.  Parents play a huge role in their children's lives, who and how and what they develop into is largely due to their parents rolls.  If the parents take an interest in their children or not, weather they are there helping to shape and form their lives.

    How can children become strong people with healthy lives if their parents are either not there or do not  guide them in their lives.  If parents are absent either due to not wanting to be there or due to drugs or alcohol, how can children be strong people?  

    It starts in the home when they are growing up, children need healthy roll models to emulate.  When they have parents who are strong people who are there for them, it gives them an example to follow.  With out that they are going to be lost, weak people.

    They will follow others into gang life and lives of crime since they don't have a strong family life at home.  If they don't have a strong family life then they are going to seek what they want some where else, from some one else.

    Weather people realize it or not children want structure, rules and guidence from their parents.   The feel lost with out a parent giving them rules to follow, that shows the child that they are loved by their parents.  Why do you think that they get into gangs, so they will have some one telling them what to do and how to do it.  It gives them a feeling of family and purpose in their lives.  Even if its bad structure, its still structure for them.

    So that if children can not get that at home from their parents, they will get it from some where else even if its from gangs.  Parents rules and guide lines show children that they are important to their parents, that makes them feel wanted and loved.

    So I believe that it all starts when we are little and if our parents are there giving us what we need as children.  How can people grow up to become strong heathy adults when they are not given what they need as children.  It all starts at home when they are younger.

    I hope that this helps answer your question.  I wish you all the best.  God bless.

  3. no

  4. listen up. we'd have less criminals if we beheaded the s****.amp;#039;s that deserved it. we need to stop playing with the phucks. serial murderers that get the death penalty can still live for another ten twenty yrs while appealing the ruling. in other words, we're too phucking soft.

  5. Its not the government's job to "treat" any citizens any way.  It's a free country, the government gets to stay out of your life.


  7. Yes. The governmwent should take care of you from the cradle to the grave and you should never be unhappy, sad, poor, sick, ugly, poor grades, low self-esteem, fat, thin, acne, and be beautiful. You also should have all the things you ever want in the world and the government should take care of all these things for you.

    Dont forget absolute top of the line health care and a life that extends well past 120 years.

    You want all this all you have to do is vote for Obama or any other socialist that promise a grand life. Dont you worry one bit about doing stuff for yourself. You should not have to stoop so low to take care of you own needs.Obama loves you. You are not repsonsible for bad stuff in your life. God is your enemy. Obama is your savior.

    Have a great life.

  8. yes mabye

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