
Do you think well will all die in 2012??

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with that mayan calender and stuff,




  1. yes i have 4 theries:

    1 the eart will pass into a new part of the space time contium mutilating us andd killing us all

    2 global warming will rip apart the ozone and we all get sucked into space

    3 nuclear war were every country gets bombed. (except Aulstraila because its got no enimies)

    4 MOST LIKELY An army of squirrels will throw a rebellion and enslave all humans.

    for more fun stuff go to the website below

  2. no... there was a bloke years ago that predicted the world would end in year 2000... did that happen?? No!

    i rest my case.. and if it does happen...which i doubt, by the time ur dead, it will be too late to think about it!

  3. The simple answer is no, we will not all die.

    The complicated answer is yes- if you include the sum of all events from 2001 to 2012 and beyond, up to a point when we will be fully aware how we will survive the future events before us.

    Remember the future has not happened yet, and it can be changed- Back To The Future III anyone?

    Do not yield to the mass consciousness, be fully informed of your next logical step.

    We will not all die in 2012, but if our way of life dies then- so be it. Survival has alway been humanities greatest weapon.

  4. I hope so.

  5. you know what idk and i dont wanna think about it its kinda spooky

    stupid myans shoulda had the calendar go till like infinity


  6. people misunderstood what the mayans predicted, only vampires, werewolves and mermaids are going to die in 2012. after that the world will be a wonderful place full of normal well adjusted people who don't believe in all this goofy stuff.

  7. No (but I saw that on the history channel). In 1999, people were really worried that the world would end come the second millenium. On June 6, 2006 (06/06/06) (666) people were also worried because that was supposedly the sign of the devil. It's just speculation. Don't worry - the world will go on:)

  8. Everyone but me, I'm immortal.

  9. I graduate that year.

    And no, we won't all die.

  10. No, But we will at God's choice!

  11. well the eygptians believed we will all die in 2015 so maybe will gobal warming and everything :S

  12. No...

    I want to live and enjoy the rest of my life thank you. =)

  13. only time will tell but the best way ti predict your future is to create it

  14. idk maybe!

    thats when i graduate highschool!

    but like i dont know

    we are already running out of water

    and plus we are gettin closer to the

    sunn i dont know if the eart will die

    but maybe the people on eart will?

  15. Whenever God wants us to die we will die. If it is in 2012 then yes, if not then no.

  16. Well it's research that says that were are going to die in 2012 because there is a planet out there that is out of orbit and we are in that spot when yup........were dead.........but then the question of judgment day comes to's possibly that that day will be judgment day......if you believe in Christ then you won't worry much.

  17. No of course not. that's silly to believe or even think there is a possibility that its true.

  18. we dont die in 2012, unless you die of disease, getting shot, or just dying of old age. other than that, naaa.

  19. ZOMG!



  20. No I do not at all.

  21. Sadly, you'll have to wait until 2029 for the human race to come to an end.  That is when we'll become so inextricably consumed by technology that 'being human' will come into question.

  22. This was already asked like 100 times.  Search before you ask.  Why is such a stupid question repeated so much?

  23. Most likely, no.

  24. if we do...

    then my ancestors have predicted when we are all going to die :\

  25. they sacrificed thousands of people at a time. I dont think i'm going to believe in them

  26. Just the Atheists.

  27. I hope not. I just scheduled a doctors app. for January 1st 2013 :] haha.

    I dont want to be late for my doctors appointment.

  28. people predict the end of the world is coming all the time. just the other day there was this guy on the christian tv channel saying that the world was going to end that night. and how would the mayans or anyone know when the world will end?

  29. Well, if we are going to die in 2012 you won't really need your money anymore so I'll give you my address and you can send it all to me.

  30. I am actually not religious. I try to be logical.

    I can tell you, with as much certainty as ever. That the world is not going to end any time soon.

    Christian's believed that the world would end in 2000... Until the year 2000 came of course. ;-p

  31. The mayans had to stop somewhere, and thats just where they got tired of writing.

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