
Do you think what McCain was trying to say last night?

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That the Republicans have to go so that the Republicans can go in and clean up the mess? Are they going to stage a revolution on themselves?




  1. Bingo - i also love how McCain would call out anyone who commits to pork barrel spending and make their name known. So, he should start with his VP. He actually had her on a list a few years ago

    That brings us, again, to Alaska governor Sarah Palin. Long before McCain focused the national spotlight on Palin as his Veep pick, he was making her famous as a dedicated feeder at the pork barrel trough. As the Chicago Tribune details:

    In 2001, McCain's list of spending that had been approved without the normal budget scrutiny included a $500,000 earmark for a public transportation project in Wasilla. The Arizona senator targeted $1 million in a 2002 spending bill for an emergency communications center in town -- one that local law enforcement has said is redundant and creates confusion.

    McCain also criticized $450,000 set aside for an agricultural processing facility in Wasilla that was requested during Palin's tenure as mayor and cleared Congress soon after she left office in 2002. The funding was provided to help direct locally grown produce to schools, prisons and other government institutions, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense, a nonpartisan watchdog group.

  2. boring.. awww.....(((((

  3. No.

  4. Republicans are the ones that start the messes to begin with. P.S. Republicans aren't smart enough to stage a revolution.  

  5. gee, I'm sorry the treatments didn't work and you can't get out much.

  6. He was trying to say that, the last 8 years have been rubbish, the next four years will be better, if you believe that, then Palin is ready to be President should the worst happen to Mr McCain.

  7. he can distance himself from george bush but he can't out run or hide from his voting record which 90% of the time was aligned with george bush

  8. LOL. Not revolution - 'reform'... Well, when did republicans ever cleaned any mess ?

  9. I really don't know, his speech was so boring I changed the channel.

  10. I didn't hear any mention of  GW BUSH or D CHENEY how convenient that they forget to mention that they have been in charge for the last year in they keep blaming everything on congress

  11. they want to clean up the mess we are in.

  12. McCain is desperate to distance himself from the Bush administration even to renouncing his own party and setting himself as a different Republican who can make CHANGES. This is a pathetic attempt to convince others he didn't really side with Bush 90% of the time.

  13. haha!  you are funny as h**l!

  14. You got it.

    McCain and Palin didn't make the mess they ARE going to clean it up.

    Just like Palin fought and won against corruption in her own party in Alaska.

    See it wasn't that hard to comprehend at all.

  15. Well McCain was trying to point out how he is differen't from the current administration.  McCain also likes to point out that he doesn't work for a party, he works for the Americans.

  16. "You're in for four years of extremely dull speeches with my slow, monotone delivery. And if I haven't gained any charisma in 72 years, I never will. Oh and, by the way, I'm a war hero for surrendering first in Nam."

  17. Yes, he was pretty much saying that the policies of the Republicans over the last 8 years didn't work and so elect me, a Republican Senator who has voted with Bush 90% of the time, to change the direction of this country. What was even more pathetic was that the same people who got us in this mess were sitting there clapping for change.  

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