
Do you think what Sam did with the manequin was inappropriate??

by Guest10690  |  earlier

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The "Sam, two questions" question got me thinking about this (well, the answers did). I don't get to watch alot of the footy show as it is on a bit late for me (finishes to late), but most of what I do see is more lame than offensive - sometimes so lame you have to laugh! i did, however, feel Sam may have gone just a smidge overboard with the Carro Wilson naked mannequin thing. AND maybe I missed something, but why was he doing it anyway??




  1. i think he is a peanut, but is payed to be one. i dont watch the footy show. they are all a bunch of fools

  2. Caroline Wilson won't ever win any beauty pageants in Australia or anywhere else. She has a Richmond background anyway with her father Ian.

    Sam makes a good dollar with his schtick on the show.

    Sam's antics make ratings for channel 9, since 1994.

    I have seen clips of this on you tube, since I cannot see the Footy Show here in America, just when I am in Oz.

    I have met Sam, he is quite a gentleman when not in character for the show.

    BTW, I didn't think anything offended anybody in Oz. Remember Stan Zamancik (sp?) with Beauties and the Beast? Just lay off Sammy. If America could see him, he would be a national hero of comedy in the USA.

  3. i didn't think there was anything wrong with it. i thought it was funny

  4. To answer your last question, the point of his gag was to 'teach' Caro how to improve her dress sense, after they thought what she wore on footy classified wasn't fashionable.

    In answer to your main question, I think the way that he physically handled the mannequin was what made the joke go overboard. The actual gag itself was just having a bit of fun, I mean, there has to be a butt of all of Sam's jokes! I don't think what he did was sexist either, because Sam makes fun of everyone.I think the making fun of Caro part of the joke was valid, I mean, isn't it the same as making fun of Gary Lyon's hairiness? lol

  5. What is Australia becoming for god sake

    it was a funny skit we all had a laugh

    people like Ms Wilson are a public figure

    so with their large salary package she should expect some ridicule

    if Sam was working for 60 min or anther show it would have been inappropriate

    but it was the footy show

    i laugh at a lotta things thats why I'm always happy

  6. Any action involving Caroline Wilson is appropriate in my eyes.

    She is a pain in the backside & Sam was letting her know just that. She & her feminine mates got all upset & claimed he was being sexist. In fact he wasn't, as someone has already pointed out, he treats everyone the same. Wilson & her mates are the sexist party.

  7. No I thought it was funny and the skit with the dwarf hostess was worse and we didn't see them carrying on about political correctness some people need to get a sense of humour or turn off the TV.

    I don't think just because it was Sam he can get away with it but I do think if anyone else did it they wouldn't have made such a big deal about it reverse sexism if you ask me.

  8. he did go too far, that is what Ch 9 pays him for, and Brayshaw did sweet FA about stopping him. Eddie would have stopped it instantly. It was not a joke of any variety, and it says lots for Caro that she didn't sue.

    on the other hand, Sam has been through a h**l of a lot lately and it could be said that he finally fell apart by doing that joke attempt.

    I am sorry that it had to happen, the TV incident I mean, but it may have led to Sam getting help for his private anguish which probably caused the incident.

    And maybe self-regulating himself better in future. He is an entertaining and articulate person who does himself no favors by acting like the village oaf.

  9. i wasn't offended!

    i think i has all been brought out of hand.

    and like you a i just laugh at it.

    watch it every week and its not going to stop me from watching it. i dont know why he was doing it but i dont care.

    and billy is doing a great job, but will be great when sam comes back. also ben cousins is on the footy show tonight, just incase your interested :)

  10. The guy is a complete tosser.  He thrives on being a wanker.  Cheap laughs at other people's expense.  Grow up Newman, you're not funny.

    Both Nicky Winmar and Caroline Wilson don't think you're funny either.

    How about Caroline Wilson gets a male mannequin, puts a Sam Newman photo on it and kicks it very hard between the legs?

    What would Newman say to that?  He's a wanker.

    GFCBarra - If you love him so much, we will be glad to ship him over.  One way and no return.  You lot can have him.

  11. no i don't think it was inappropriate. and i dunno how anybody can.

    and when you said "if this was any other workplace, he would be jobless", that's just a stupid comment to make. of course it wouldn't be acceptable for people in the office to make jokes about that, but since THIS is a COMPLETELY different job, these circumstances allow him to say this kinda stuff. its just that some people don't have a sense of humour and decided to get rid of him for a few weeks

  12. **As a female I can honestly say that I don't think any of his 'female' jokes have been offensive to me, I used to find it more offensive when he completely bagged my team!  

    I wish everyone would lay off him because it mightn't have been the smartest move but surely other people on The Footy Show are aware of the different things he's going to do and yet no one else stops him, backs him up or takes the blame for the things he does.

    I like Sammy and am looking forward to him coming back on The Footy Show.**

  13. all he did was put a photo of her face on the front and just to clarify something it waznt naked.

    he then just leant on it that  was it

    i thought it was funny

  14. It was a joke, LIGHTEN UP PRUDE.

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