
Do you think when a friend doesn't add you on myspace or facebook, and lies about it, they're mean?

by  |  earlier

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like they just add people from their school, then talk to u privately- since they met u online- they talk to you on instant messenger- but don't add you on myspace or facebook!

then they tell u they don't have their pages open or rarely use myspace or facebook, and just don't want to add you- because they don't want to and that's there prerogative- but will talk to you online for long periods of time-

weird? are they ashamed of you?

what's your partake on the situation?




  1. he/she is lying and ignorant

    they want to IM and waste your time but SECRETLY

    that IS NOT A TRUE "friend"

    they are just using you

    drop them like a hot potato -- just do not respond and talk with real friends -- the ones who don't try to hide you

  2. I would think it is sorta unfriendly especially that you talk to them on a regular basis.  Ask them if they got a friend invite or something

    Just bring up the subject.

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