
Do you think ..when animals die..that they realize they're dead?

by  |  earlier

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I know some of you don't think animals have spirits. But, to those of you who do believe they have spirits...and have had them visit you...did they seem any different than when they were alive?




  1. I have a list of pets that remain live in my memories..they

    will live there as long as I live...once I'm gone, they're gone.

  2. yea man i belive in that..

  3. Yes animals do have spirits....and yes i do think they realise they have died...I had an interesting experience with a horse i once had...he didnt come to see me, but rather i went to see him, years after he died...

    I astralled one night, without my control, i was drawn to where he was, as i worried about him for years, as he had to be put down...I found myself in an open field, with really green grass, and just beautiful, i saw this path, that gently went down a hill, so i walked down it, and there below was my horse, at peace and happy, just as he used to be in his paddock grazing, but this place wasnt his soon as i got up to him and went to touch him, i was hurled back with a mighty force back to my body....That was awesome...and im happy to see him like that now, at rest and in peace.....

    My cat who died recently, showed up in a dream about a week later...I know she came to show me she was happy, and it wasnt just a dream, as she looked radiant, and young again, she showed me how happy and free she was now...and she has come to me during the night a couple of times, but she knows she is no longer alive, she feels at comfort being here at times i think.....from my experience with our animal spirits after they pass, they seem just the same as when they were alive, but at much more peace, and are really happy, without any more suffering, if they were ill or anything like that.....

  4. Sure they have a clue that they are dead.  For one, they never get eye contact with their owners anymore.  They know, but they hang around, in a sort of denial that they are dead.  They go where they want, so if they want to follow you to work, they can.

  5. I believe dogs have the the consciousness near humans and emotions. And I believe when they die they remain individuated after they die and have an Etheric subtle body. But as for other animals, no I dont believe they have souls their is no evidence are eyewitness accounts. Other species dont even have the senses with the paranormal like dogs/wolfs horses etc. Any animal with a strong connection with Man  do.

    Every animal has a soul because it has some form of "Mind" but their souls are not like dogs, cats and Man's soul, when those animals die their consciousness becomes one with the universal source of energy. But we remain individuated into the afterlife.

    Also birds I could add to the list. But as far as wild animals I don't know. I could be wrong or right. Those animals that have a good relationship with Man and emotions I believe have souls. Also plants.

  6. If they do realize it, I hope they're still housebroken. I imagine it'd be a bit difficult to clean up ghost dog p**p. ;-)

  7. I think animals realize just like we do.

  8. well yes, I don't know how but they do, have you ever watched animal planet.

  9. I actually had an experience with an animal spirit. It happened when my home burned down. My family dog was killed in the fire. After we moved into a new home, I could still feel the dog walking on my bed and even lying on my legs,just like when he was alive. This continued until I got a dog given to me by a neighbor. I think he wanted to continue to protect the house until a new animal came to take his place.

  10. Well, I encountered a wolfe spirit, and it didn't try to bite my jugular out. So, I guess that's different.

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