
Do you think when miley has kids will she be a good mother?

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Do you think when miley has kids will she be a good mother?




  1. idk

  2. I don't see why not, she hasn't done anything that would make me question her responsibility. As far as I know, she's not into heavy drinking and drugs.

    But, she's 15 and most girls her age don't want kids at that moment.

  3. ya i think she will cause she carful not like shes brittany

  4. no she'll be the next brittney spears. unless she grows up.

  5. Well probably when she's older.

    At the moment no.

    Depending on how she lives the rest of her life,

    it could go either way. :p

  6. Not at the moment....but in 9-10 years probably. =]

  7. She is too self-centered.

  8. i think u should get a life and stop worryin about people who are way better of that you! but i think she will be a good mother when she grows up ... i hope she wont end up like  jamie lynn

  9. Yeah maybe when she grows up a bit i think she will be

  10. Well I've never seen her maternal uh, idk?

  11. Yeah I think she's a great role model for kids. I just hope she doesn't turn out like Brittany Spears...

    ...or Jamie Lynn...

    ...Lindsey Lohan...

    wow Children really have some bad role models. I'm glad "Hannah" is showing a good example.

  12. no because shes only 15!

  13. who cares shes a child

  14. i really have no idea

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