
Do you think when one dies,we begin to live on a spiritual plane.?

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Do you think when one dies,we begin to live on a spiritual plane.?




  1. As long as we live in the memories and hearts of those who love us, we don't die.

  2. Well, when we die, our body stays here on earth. But our spirit however, goes to.. well there are two places it could go: heaven or h**l.

    It all depends on if you believe that God sent his only son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins [which i believe :) and I am proud, so if you have any questions, feel free to email me] so that we actually do have a chance to go to heaven when we die :)

  3. I was hoping for a spiritual submarine, or maybe spiritual la-z-boy recliner (I'm afraid I get plane sick).

  4. Nope.  Sorry to say, we're all worm food when we die.  Make your life mean something.

  5. Well i dont really know because i believe in reincarnation which is where Someone or Something dies and comes back as a new spirit, but if you are talking about planes i wouldnt count on it.

  6. nope

  7. We already are living within the spirtual dimension or plane.  It is our spirits within these earthly bodies that roam the earth to experience, learn and grow.  Our spirits are connected always to the spirit realm for we are spiritual beings.  The day each person here finally is awakened to this truth ... each of those lives will change and so will life on earth.

  8. I see no evidence to indicate we do anything beyond feeding the worms.

    Your friendly neighborhood Atheist.

  9. I believe we come back...reincarnated (or spiritually to haunt those who tortured us.*P)

  10. No, when we die we decay in the ground and eventually a worm crawls through our eye socket...and then there are the unpleasant aspects!

  11. We should already live in a spiritual plane.

    Whether someone dies or not.

    But for many death is an awakening for individuals to be spiritual.

  12. Morontia is a word designating a vast realm of existence between the Mortal and spiritual.

    The finite level of reality is characterized by creature life and time-space limitations. Finite realities may not have endings, but they always have beginnings--they are created. The Deity level of Supremacy may be conceived as a function in relation to finite existences.

    The first world we are welcomed to is the 1st Manson World. We proceed from there to other worlds as we progress in our personal development, until the day Our Lord will pass us no in our journey to finding our Universal Father the Creator of all.

  13. A sister at our school, forth grade, taught us about what happens when we die.  Years later,  I remembered what she said, it jives with what I've come to believe.  See you later.

  14. Idk, let's find out.

  15. What reason would one have for thinking so? From people who have in some medical sense died and then comes back, it seems that consciousness recedes to early memories (lights, tunnels, etc,--memories of being born). However, after that, as far as I can tell, one fades away and becomes undifferentiated, unconscious physical matter, a stone.

  16. Hmm....the old philosophical conundrum of "the one and the many" applied to death.   When one dies, do we live?  

    The answer, of course, is yes.  My death may diminish humanity, by humanity continues.  

    Unfortunately, however, the "spiritual plane" is what is known as a faith based, belief oriented locutions, and philosophy cannot address them.  Nor can science.

    The term "spiritual" not only nebulous, it is imaginary. Vaguely emotional, almost mental.  It smacks of 'angels' and whatnot.

    Try "religion" and "myth and folklore".

    Or check in with Billy Meier or any "contactee" who has received trans-sapient intuitions.

  17. No, when you die, you die!  No plane, no surface.  You're dead!

    At the meantime, try to live as long as you can.  Don't worry about when you're going to die.

  18. If you ask medicine - men, priests, rabbis, self proclaimed messiahs and all the zealots they have brainwashed since the beginning of human thought, yes.

    But science is truth and life is a giant science project so successful that the highest life form has evolved the ability to reason. Unfortunately we can also be unreasonable, hence the search for a fairytale to explain our existence.

  19. Yes, in fact I think that Heaven is in a different dimension. Whatever fuels these bodies of ours, this energy that keeps us going is in fact our souls. Since heaven is not a place you can travel to, perhaps it resides in a different dimension.

  20. Yes, I believe that we never spiritually die. This subject will undoubtedly get some people to give answers that will not be for the weak. It is what we live and strive for, so OUR SPIRIT is not tormented in the next world as it is here on earth.

  21. it makes you better person through out your life

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