
Do you think when we fall in a dream state -either in sleep or a down moment of the day we conceive of goals

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and desires that are more spectacular than those we entertain when "awake," yet we always wake thinking, "I can't do that." How can we change this in our waking state???




  1. Sorta. The goals I conceive in dreams (or daydreams) tend to be a bit fantastic and in need of reality checks. Everything in life needs fine tuning.

    It may sound silly, but when I'm telling myself "I can't," I chant "Can't never could." It reminds me to keep it positive, that my own low self-esteem is my greatest obstacle in life.

  2. Ok, This is a good question. And I like to answer it cause I believe in my answer. But its more like a personal opinion.

    Dreams are the way for your brain to de-fragmentize itself of all the thoughts and visions you put in it. If you dream about something you really like and want to be and have. Be determined and believe you can achieve or have that certain thing and you will.

    Simple law if attraction. (Quantum Physics).

    Just do it! (not just a Nike slogan, Should be everyone's motto.

  3. Object knowing consciousness is always in a state of dream.

  4. Instead of ``I can`t do this``, think, ``How can this be done?

  5. We have only scratched the surface of human mental capacity.  Sleeping and waking are relative to fatigue and rest.  The body replenishes and refreshes itself.

    Take a sleep hygiene class or course to discover how to improve and manage rest.  Time management is a key factor in energizing constructive and creative episodes.  Effective organization of knowledge, experience(s), and priorities requires optimum state of awareness.  The difference is between effective rest and fatigue.

  6. Who said that your waking state necessarily has to be your "waking state"? Isn't it possible that dreams are reality and your reality is a dream? Perhaps you accomplished your goals.    

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