
Do you think where humans came from...?

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A lot of people wonder about where humans came from. Do you think we should think about it from a scientific approach, or from beliefs? why?




  1. Scientific approach is better, we can understand where we came from.

    Beliefs, we can make up neverending BS, and we can continue arguing where we came from.

    I would rather know the truth or not know it at all instead of beliving in some tales

  2. humans came from a mistake either way you decide to look at it thats my opinion

  3. actually most of us KNOW where humans came from.

  4. im sorry.. the little ones were just so cute.. i just wondered what they would look like bigger.. hehe.. umm...


  5. Scientific most definitely. Science has evidence to support all of its theories, if it doesn't its not science. Religion has no proof, not evidence, it has nothing.  There is actual evidence that suggest that we evolved from single celled organisms, and Aquatic life.

         Scientists have found cells, and chromosomes that link us to fossils, and then their cells are sought out.

         A simple google of evolution will answer all the questions, as i am not, a  expert.  

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