
Do you think winning is everything?

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do you think winning is everything in life and also in games or competitions? It's my homework to figure out what others think if winning is everything or not... thanks ; )




  1. No I don't. I think my friends and family are everything and I make it a rule not to compete against them.

  2. Once You Lose You Learn And Win So Yes And No

    But i Dont Get The Saying its the taking part that counts

    Thats for Sore Losers!

  3. If its something i do to suceed at, and put 100% into, then yes, i put my everything into winning and if i don't win i punish myself sorta o.0

    Like if we loose a basketball game, i'll stay after the game and run 50 suicides, to makes me try harder to win next time.

    If its something i dont really give it 100% at, then i dont mind loosing.

    So pretty much if i try to win, winning is everything, if i dont try, then its not, it with either come or it won't.

    Thats my view =)

  4. No. Maintaining my integrity and reputation is more important. I have walked away from many a confrontation, and surrendered what a bully demanded. They went away, thinking they had won. In reality,I won my goal:to make them get out of my life.

  5. its easy to become no 1...but maintaining it is more difficult..just like Michel shoemaker...

    some time we lose to win (like winning some ones heart)

  6. No, I think that winning is not everything. Coz many a time we win but are not satisfied and many a time we lose but get satisfied with ourself. So why should we call it a win if we are not happy by it? In some situation losing is more important and convincing than winning. If I would be in a competition with the one I love the most then I will certainly quit and let him win. Which I think everyone else will also do.... So is winning everything?

  7. Winning is nothing in itself.  A chess program wins at chess, but what does the program care?  

    We are successful when we work well to obtain what we need.  And we don't need to win everything.  We might need to do well at something though.  Well enough to be physically fit and happy.  Sometimes it's not enough to win because our opponent is tough, then maybe we can learn more by not winning.  

    If winning were everything, then we might as well quit when we see there is no way to win.  But if we love the game and the experience, we should probably play on.  If we do not love the game and the experience, winning is perhaps only worth as much as whatever pay we get for winning.

    It is important to do what progresses ourselves and this will often drive us to do well, and doing well can help us to win.

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