
Do you think with sensitivity and the sweetness of our spirits that we can truly know another person ?

by Guest59096  |  earlier

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or object to remain vulnerable and receptive and open to truly merge with any object or you think this is the true basis of love???




  1. I often wonder why people ask the origin of love. It`s an unexplainable phenomenon that we should just be thankful for.

  2. Love is a mystery which none could solve.  

    Some say its a chemical reaction; but what triggers it for one person and not for another?  

    Finding loves' true basis would be The Greatest Discovery of all times.  Then it would be so much easier to make others love us....but then again it might not be!

    It is impossible to know another person truly!  Not even the most loving and caring parents can truly claim that.  

    With 'sensitivity and the sweetness of our spirits'  we can 'see' the good side of a person and overlook the warts & all.  The 'sweetness' of spirit can blind us to their fault and that's a real danger!

    No one truly merges with another being.  It is an extreme sacrifice which no body is ready to offer.  So get real,  get practical.  Its a selfish world we all are living in and if we get people to walk with us in comfortable companionship,  with respect as the basis,  that should suffice for any decent human being....

  3. We can only truly know another person

    If we know ourselves

    And allow them to see us as we truly are


  4. Jesus said we will love our neighbor when we know them. I think this will be so when we learn to love as Jesus loves.

    I'm inclined to think that ones soul is reflected in their life so it must be true what you think as well.

  5. How you can know another if you are not sure who you are? and you cannot know who you are if you still have questions...Another is absolutely  have no idea of himself too...whom are you going to merge??There is a secret kept from humans for centuries...It is impossible to merge with another for that simple reason that there is no "another"...You merge with yourself..and another party merges with itself..That is what people call Love. There is definitely more on it....

  6. No

  7. Yes! When we look into another in this way and he or she looks into us, then we are able to join as one spirit. Both must be open and receptive, willing to be seen by the other. It is a beautifully vulnerable place from which great love is experienced. The body is a wonderful temple of love, housing the spirit which is pure divine love, the qualities of which are sweetness and sensitivity.  

  8. love comes effortlessly...that's what I know.



  9. hmm its a good question..personally, ive always believed in the idea of a "soulmate" for each person..perhaps it sounds too "fairy tale" but really it makes sense..there is somebody out there for everybody, and i think on a certain level we absolutely can connect to that person.  I'm not sure of the relevance of sensitivity and sweetness to this, or vulnerability and receptivity..but i do know that for two people to have this bond, it IS important to be completely honest, open and willing to accept flaws and misgivings from your mate. So perhaps part of it is a tolerance?..because clearly nobody is perfect, but the person who is perfect FOR YOU..has qualities that are more than redeemable, and i believe it is possible to be blind to minor character flaws.  Additionally, i dont think vulnerability has to play a factor, to truly know somebody you have to be trusting and trustworthy as does the other person, and although you couldnt 100% know somebody's heart, with our "soulmate" it is different.  Your soulmate should have 0 doubt in you as you have 0 doubt in them, and the relationship should be filled with trust and understanding, i know it seems idealistic..but perhaps i speak from my own life, as i have an amazing fiance who i know is meant for me and vice versa..neither of us are vulnerable people, but we trust each other with our lives and dont fall into those typical relationship pitholes..well hope that answers it! oh and thx again for the add =)

  10. I think you can truly know another person without sensitivity and sweetness. What's that got to do with it?

  11. If you get down to the level of Spirit and see every one around us You will only find Passion , Compassion and Divine Love . Definitely then at that stage one can relate to other as OWN self ( i.e Merge !) :-)))

  12. I think  with the sensitivity of the Spirit.......and discernment we can know  another person spiritual status.

  13. no,I think mutual acceptance of one another,and empathy are the basis of love. sweetness has nothing to do with it. and unfortunately we don't have to work hard to make love last, we still love jerks who hurt/betray us. it is respect that we must work hard to maintain,and contempt,which destroys a relationship

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