
Do you think women SHOULD work?

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NOT asking if they are allowed to, i'm asking if you think they should.

I just noticed in our area...the people that cause the most problems are the housewives or their husbands (who seem to just be relaying their wives rage).

Absolutely nothing out of the women that work.

I just imagine these bored out of their mind housewives, sitting around on the phone making a big deal about nothing....just because they have nothing better to do....i don't believe they are trying to cause problems......




  1. ROFL @user Ramadan Kareem(written in Arabic)..You make it clear again and again that women in Islam are at mercy of men 'maharams;

    I find it very funny and hypocritical that the same people rant "women in islam are jewels" holy c**p.

    Why are you 'angry when non-muslims say "women are slaves in islam"..Stop being

    sorry,its very funny that you stress the point again "Not that maharam should allow",some muslim(not most of them who are decent) like you should get shock


    Don't sent me hate mail..ha ha

    Wolvering has the right answer..women,all owmen should work,not for fun or time pass,but for freeing thmeselves from the financial dependency from males..When we have money,not many will take women for granted..Otherwise,you have to ask them for every single penny,even for safety pin..When you have job,you can also spent for gifts or needs for your won biological parents..Didin't they spent so mcuh on you.?? Aren't we expected to payback atleast by showing care and concern..Small things,earned by your own money will be great..Not that you ahve to see your husband's and in law's face every time you want 5$..

    @Ramadan.can I ask you why should a husband stop his wife if she is fine with balancing work and home?Why should a maharam say "NO" against his wife's wish??..If it was secutry reasons and like,it is understood..But are you telling me that all men stop wives,bcoz of that u have to get your facts straight.Most men stop wives from going outside bcoz they have inferiority complex and feel insecure with wife earning husband is not like that,so the qstn doesn't apply ot me,but to those women i see around me..

    Edit: run out of valid points,so you are insulting me personaly..Good tactics..Im used to it..Keep doing..You ahve been insulting me in all recent qstns..keep doing..all the best...


    Just a small thought:Marriage is not about control and power..Its more about mutual respect,compassion and trust..Isn't it??

  2. Ideally I would love not to work so that I could take care of my husband, children and home.  

    But if my husband wasn't making enough money I would definitely work if he was fine with it and if the job was halal.  

    I think that this just all comes down to circumstance.  Salam  

  3. If the husband is able to support the family, I don't think it is necessary for the wife to work.  She already has a lot of work to do at home, such as taking of the children and the house, when the husband is at work.  But if she needs and wants to help augment the family income, I think she may work, as long as she is still able to do her job at home and someone is left at home to take care of the children while she is gone.  If she can find a job, which allows her to stay at home, so much the better.

  4. Women's job at home is much more tough than a man do out side.

    Give birth to a child, and all other tasks related to before and after it are the greatest works.

    Man is guard and humble servant of the queen, the home ministeress.

    If someone does not respect his wife and not give her respect at highest level, what a wife deserves, he remains fruitless all over the life.

    A woman can give so much to her husband, but by her own self she cannot do any thing, as she is helpless to bring out all her treasures hidden within her, it is only possible with love, care and respect of her husband.

    It is like a agricultural land, as you bow as you grow.

    People who rely on the earnings of their wives, remain fruitless, disturbed, restless and unsatisfied throughout their life.

  5. Well i think if there is a need, she should help her husband manage the household finances. I am a stay home mum. I tried going out to work but it just isn't working for me. My kids are too little, 4 and 2 and they really need me. It is such a hassle sending them to my in laws and picking them up again afterwards, and I find it hard to cope with household chores and cooking. My husbands loves my cooking and I am someone who takes pride in cooking a good meal for my husband. I feel bad most of the time when I couldn't cook and keep the house in tip-top condition. Even my kids are less closer to me during that time. I quit my job as there is really not necessary to work, Alhamdulillah what my hubby brings home is sufficient and we're thankful for whatever little/much that he earns.

  6. Yes, she should work if she wishes to; as long as it does not get in the way of her duties towards Allah and her husband.

    You must also know that it's the duty of the husband to provide for the wife, but the wife's money that she earns is hers to keep and spend. She is under no obligation to spend it on the expenses if she does not want to.  

  7. Of course, I don't see why not. A job gives the worker something to do and keep themselves occupied with, not to mention help bringing home money or paying rent with your roommates. Women working is great. Far too often on my EMT-clinicals I come across a woman who spews "I don't have to work, I'm a woman!" and that attitude makes me angry. Everyone should be able to work, should work, and should find a job that makes them happy!

  8. In my personal opinion, I think they should.  But that is not because they should contribute to their families in a financial way.  Rather, they should work so that they earn enough to free themselves from dependance on men.

    EDIT:  ÃƒÂ˜Ã‚±Ã™Â…ضان كريم and Muhammed Isfaq A:  If you are married, I pity your wives.  If you are still single, I feel sorry for the girls who's lives you will ruin and stiffle with your suffocating chauvinist attitude.  Its not too late to reform and follow the footsteps of the Prophet (p) in being gentle to women.

  9. Man was meant to work, and take care of women, it's in our jeans, it's in the constitution, it's in the Bible.

  10. A women should not work, taking care of children,putting house neat and clean, cooking food and all other duties make a women too busy.

    If non these duties are not to the women then such kind of women should work.

    If you think a house wife is idle then that is wrong, and a women taking care of house have no time to go for work.

  11. Housewives and stay at home mothers DO work!!!  What makes you think all women do is sit around and do nothing but cause problems?  If a woman is doing that, then the problem is her, not with all other women.

    Imagine if you stay at home cooking and cleaning and taking care of a baby all day long.  It's a lot of work, and it NEVER ends!!!  You can't just shut your mind off and go home like you do for your 40 hour a week job!!!  There is ALWAYS something more to clean or cook or do for your children.  And, when your husband comes home from work, you need to serve him dinner and get him what he needs, so you have one more person to take care of.

  12. Islam has no restriction on working woman!  Basically the Q is not related with religion.  It depend on the need of woman. She is free in this matter!

  13. Nice question and thanks for the source on my question!

  14. I believe that women should work if they want to.

  15. That's what happened in my marriage.

    Before we got married my (now) ex-wife and I agreed that we'd both work after we got married *until* we got debts paid off and had purchased a house, and then if we were pretty solid, she'd quit working and we could have some kids. But the agreement was that we'd both work until we were pretty solid financially.

    Well, get this. She only worked for about the first 3 months after we got married, and then one day she just decided she would quit working and hang out at the house all day. She adopted the attitude that she was a princess, and we should all bow down and kiss her feet. She even told me "All I should be asked to do is stay at home and powder my face." Then, she demanded hundreds of dollars a week for "massages, and other self-care." Sheesh, don't that beat all. I swear I'm not making this up.

    The first little bit of our marriage, it was decent. She was involved in being productive, and financially, we were doing pretty well. When she just up and quit her job it put us into tremendous financial stress. We started going into debt, and it all went downhill from there. I was working 50+ hour weeks.  She did some light housecleaning and swept a bit around the house, and that was it. I was pressured to do all the laundry and dishes, plus naturally all the yard work, AND work a demanding job, while she did next to nothing all week, and nothing on the weekends but go out and shop, and go out with her friends.

    While I was almost working myself sick, she was at home complaining and telling all her friends how horrible I was because I wasn't a millionaire (again, I'm not joking - I'm serious). Her quitting was, in my opinion, breaking our agreement to one another that we made before getting married.

    And I think what really kills relationships is when one member develops this entitlement mindset. That is, "I DESERVE ______ " (fill in the blanks). Because then, there's no gratitude to the other partner.They feel like they shouldn't be called upon to do anything, and that you should do it all for them. And because they expect that, because they "deserve it," there's never any gratitude. None at all. In fact, I did way up an above what most husbands did, and I wasn't appreciated a damned bit.

    My ex was like this, and I dated another lady once that said, "I can't wait until we get married so I can stop working." Sheesh. Women like that are looking for a rescuer, and I ain't gonna play that game.

    Anyway, yes. I agree with you. :-)

  16. In Islam a woman has no financial obligation and the economical responsibility lies on the shoulders of the man.

    Before a woman is married it is the duty of the father or brother to look after the lodging, boarding, clothing and other financial requirements of the woman.

    After she is married it is the duty of the husband or the son.

    Islam holds the man financially responsible for fulfilling the needs of his family.

    In this case, the husband is financially capable enough to support the family. Nevertheless the woman wants to work voluntarily, not primarily for money, but to mold herself in an Islamic environment by joining a Muslim organization (which presumably follows the tenets of Islam) that has all women staff.

    It is advisable for her to seek her husband’s permission before taking the job.

    The husband may as well see to it that he understands the intention, objective and purpose of his wife behind taking this job.

    However, in case the husband does not permit her, then she may very well try to establish an Islamic environment at her husband’s place itself by cultivating friendships with good

    Muslim women in her neighborhood and surrounding, learning and educating the morals and virtues of Islam.  And Allah knows the best.

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