
Do you think women are happier than men?

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This scientific study says that women end up unhappier than men later in life – even though they start out happier. Do you think that is true? Why?




  1. Girls start off with a great deal of appeal and potential; then they get older, feeling that they have missed out on something, that life has dealt them a bad hand. It's really tragic. Are they by nature malcontents? Just giving my take on many years of observation.

    Marriage counselors and experts make a good living on the subject. The usual score given by men is that their marriage rates a 6-8; women score it 2-3, when they are in a good mood.

  2. I'm going to agree with the first answer. It all depends on the person and the lessons they learn in life (in my opinion). Sometimes, the h**l you endure during your younger years is what helps you to live a happier and fuller life when you're older.

  3. i guess it depends on what stage in life... or what type of person you are... i guess later in life.. i could see woman being happier... they live longer....

  4. I think it's 50 - 50. Women just complain more.

  5. yes..because men are responsible for

  6. I think it depends. Some women appear to be happy but deep down when there alone they have  problems and are miserable.

  7. To be honest with you; no, not all the time.

    I believe that studies can be biased for those that are looking for what they want to see; scientific or not.

    So, it is true for those who base their beliefs upon what that scientific study says.

    Anyways I'm making plans to be happy till the end despite your scientific study.

  8. Well so far I think women do start out happier... maybe because we think about our happy future and then when we get there...its not as good as we would have liked....

  9. It probably is true for many women. I think it's due to the stress of the modern lifestyle, trying to juggle work with family. Women today often find themselves taking on a new role of having a career and earning money, whilst still keeping their original role of looking after the home and children, and I think that's what leads to the higher incidences of stress and depression. There's a lot of pressure on modern women. I've got happier as I've got older, but I'm only 27 so there's time yet, lol.

  10. Yes I think so.  Reason-women tend to have a stronger support system.  Plus women after divorce have the children.  For many men, divorce affects the rest of their lives (if they were truly in love.)  I think this test is skewered.    

    Do women end up unhappier?  Again I'll bet you women tend to have more friends when they are older.  Maybe men don't compain as much?  Plus so many men are dead by old can you ask them!?

    No because there are so many older men who are so so so so alone.  Many older women today do not want to live with a man.  While many older men want to live with a woman.

    However since women live longer, maybe a lot of seniors are unhappy?

  11. I think it depends on the life.  I am happier today then when I was a child.

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