
Do you think women are mind readers?

by  |  earlier

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Because we aren't. So if the women (girlfriend, wife, mother, etc.) in your (as in, men) life are special and important to you... tell them, now. It goes both ways too. We should all take the time to tell, or show, someone we care about how important they are to us, before it's too late. Life changes in a blink of an eye.




  1. Actually it's women that tend to expect men to be mind readers, moreso than the opposite...and a lot of men just aren't verbally expressive and women need to accept that.

    Men and women are different in many ways, and in how we're wired. Most all of us realize that...what we need to do is work to understand it more and not try to require the opposite s*x to comply to how we want them to behave. Acceptance...and understanding (for example) how your male partner expresses his love without necessarily saying the words. ☺♥☻

  2. We know or I know. I don't assume anything. I know everyone isn't mind readers and i hate when people think I can read their minds.

  3. Your absoultely right. You only live once so say what you mean and mean what you say because sometimes you only get one chance and when that chance is over it could be too lateeee. Never take anything for granted!!

  4. You are so right. Sometimes I think some of us women think that men are mindreaders but I have definately heard the should know I love you. Love is not just word it is also action and I don't think enough of us really take action and control of our lives the way we shoudl.......I love you people!!

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