
Do you think women have lowered their standards...?

by Guest57866  |  earlier

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and thus allowing men to become lazy, disrespectful, and overgrown boys?

Now before you overreact let me explain...

I see men on the street everyday who never open doors for ladies, take seats from pregnant women on the subway,wear baggy stupid clothing, treat their girlfriends like ****, disrespectful, don't work hard, possessive, cheaters, cowards, and mildly dumb (because they don't care).

I mean why try if you can find a woman who is either a **** and will give you what you want or if you find one with low self esteem and will be with you while you treat them like ****.

And most of the women I know have to make up for the lack of what men won't do. They are ambitious, kind, smart, hard working, maintain themselves (body and soul) and generally date men that are nowhere near their league.

Think about it. If we didn't make allowances and held men to a higher standard then I think they would grow up and start acting like men because if they want to have s*x they will have to act right (and maybe by accident they will learn to respect women and themselves). And out of desperation we have settled for their bullshit. When will men become men? Have we as women allowed this to happen?

I think we should stop making excuses for them.

Have more respect for yourselves, women, and DEMAND more from men!

Don't whine about the whole 'not all men are like this' and 'you shouldn't make generalizations' arguement. I need proof.

And don't think I am just bashing men because women are just as much to blame for being too easy.(s***s) And they ruin it for those who hold themselves to a higher standard.

This is almost a cyclical argument. I know.

I have no proof to the contrary. So try and prove me wrong.




  1. I don't think women have lowered their standards. It's that they've become more liberated. It would be nice if we could live in a society where a woman could have s*x as much as she liked and ENJOY it, like a man does, and not be called a s.lut. There's a different standard for yer.

  2. i agree with you, but as long as there are women with low self esteem, or stupid, or do anything to get a man, most men will never grow up. until every woman learns to respect herself and know her worth the opposite s*x will always get over.

  3. It hasn't worked out very well for black women from what I hear (I do applaud them for their efforts, though). All women would have to stick together on this to make a difference. As for when will men become men, I'd say when women become women again. But since they aren't permitted to do this by society any more I don't know what we can do. Women have to be both and men have reverted back to angry children. They expect too much from women and not enough from themselves. Women have to accept a certain amount of bullshit or be and do everything alone. There will always be women that will take his **** if you don't. And he knows it. That's why good men are hard to find. And if he hangs around his buddies too much he won't be a good man for long. They'll see to that. They don't want him making them look bad.

    I would also like to point out that this problem didn't happen because women became s***s. Many became promiscuous because of the problem. If she has to work like a man (while still being all woman and doing all the things women have traditionally done) then she should have the same privileges as men. If men want women to act better then they should set better examples.

  4. um, tired of complaining, nagging women. don't want anymore princess acting, screaming, controlling, using s*x as a payback, blaa, blaa, bye.

    you expect too much.  

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