
Do you think working at a fast-food joint is embarassing?

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Do you think working at a fast-food joint is embarassing?




  1. No. If people look down upon someone for working in fast food, they are jerks.

  2. No a job is job and shows responsibility!

  3. a little but it's better than not working.

  4. It's better than nothing...

  5. I think letting go a loud smelly wet monkey when you are alone in an elevator with a girl you like is more embarrassing.

  6. No.

  7. yes

  8. Anything can be embarrassing if judged/criticised heavily by others.

  9. hmmm i dont think so

  10. No

  11. Not when compared to the alternative of not having a job. At least you're doing something

  12. It's an honest day's work for an honest days pay.  What is so embarrassing about that?

    I respect these young people who are willing to work in a fast paced ,  hot, greasy,  environment to earn money for themselves.  It is a testament to their character, and definitely NOT an embarrassment.

  13. No, I don't.

  14. Not at all.  Having no job and mooching off of your family and friends is embarassing.  A lot of college kids and adults attending college work at McDonald's.  It's a means to an end.

  15. No, not at all.  A fast-food joint is a job after all.  To the person above who said it was fine for teenagers and not for someone who is 40-I work a "fast-food joint" and I am 42.  I make $60,000 a year, what is so embarassing about that?

  16. For a 15 year old working for a few extra bucks, no, but for a 40 year old making a living, yes, very much so.

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