
Do you think working with my wife is a bad idea?

by  |  earlier

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I just switched jobs over to working with her. We don't work directly together, but in the same building. Everyone tells us that after awhile it'll get old and we'll hate it. So far its nice, we get to have lunch together everyday, sneak in a kiss here and there when the bosses are out of the building, etc.




  1. i think it's bad, if it's a huge company then fine, but too much togetherness... no way.... i get away at work

    it was already problematic for me because my wife wanted to and i wouldn't hire her, lol

  2. I work with my wife and love it.  Same, we have lunches together and enjoy each other all around.  She's a receptionist and I'm an IT so there is never any bumping heads luckily for us, hope you're the same way.  Just keep your space sometimes, try to keep arguments at home and not at work, and keep on sneaking her kisses.

  3. My hubby and I worked together for several years without  it getting old.  We share a lot of the same work related interests and always had plenty of new things to add to the mix.

    I think it completely depends on how well you communicate with each other.

    Just my thoughts :)  

  4. It's fine, but just make sure you dont get sick of each other. I like my time away, but thats me.

  5. Yes, its a bad idea.  Eventually you will grow tired of it.  You both need time away from each other to keep the relationship good.  At the end of the day you cant even ask "how was your day"  Cause you already know.

  6. As long as you aren't around eachother every day it should be a problem. Be sure to give eachother space and NEVER under any circumstances question eachothers authorities or decisions at work. If you play nice at work, you shouldn't have any problems

  7. Hard to say without knowing you better.

    But I'd say the same building wouldn't be a big deal. It would actually help get through a great number of life difficulties, knowing that your spouse was only a short walk away.

    It could work to your advantage.  

  8. You know - you shouldn't always run with what other people say.

    If you are happy, know your boundaries and cherish the alone time together, then it should be fine.

  9. As long as your not together ( side by side) at the time. I think it should be fine. It might even spice up your relationship if your sneaking kisses and intimate moments

  10. I've been around a few people that are married, whether it be my teachers, my co-workers, or my bosses, they all seemed to really like it.  And these weren't newlyweds or anything.  These people have been working around each other for 10-20 years.  I noticed that they weren't like working right on top of each other, but communicated when they needed to work something out.  They were really happy people, and I think were close because of this work relationship.  I have always thought about maybe starting a company with my fiance because we have the same school background, and it would be great to use both our knowledge to further both of our careers.  

    Then again, all of these careers are creative careers and new, exciting  things were always happening.  If it was a mundane company with really redundant work, I can see how doing that and having your spouse there in the misery could drive you nuts.

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