
Do you think world peace is something achievable, after thousands of years in which wars have always existed?

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Do you think world peace is something achievable, after thousands of years in which wars have always existed?




  1. Yes.

    However not without conditions.

    It is possible, anything is, however world peace would be a very difficult path to obtain.

    Basically to obtain world peace you'd have to have world war.

    Ironic, but if you look at how the world is, it's true.

    3 major things keep things how they are:

    1) Greed.  Not just for money, but also power

    2) Religion

    3) intolerance  

    Intolerance is the easiest of the 3 to deal with.  It will be rough, but over time people will get used to it and those who are less tolerant will die away leaving much more open and tolerant generations.

    Religion is a tough one.  Religion has caused many many wars over the course of human history.

    It still inspires wars.

    You would either have to destroy religions(ick, not something that you'd want to consider) Or force and cause the religions to accept each other as is, to treat each other with respect and to live in peace side by side.  It's the average person that you have to encourage and force the most, but some instances like the couple religious leaders in iraq who are saying to fight, shouldn't be tolerated.

    And greed...  well greed is the big one.

    You would have to make democracy everywhere.

    Without democracy there is abuse, discontent and revolution/civil war.

    That on top of the fact that there are many dictatorships.  War would be needed to remove them as they will not end peacefully.

    Above all else, everything would have to be under 1 united world government to work and stay stable.

    Not anything we are likely to see in our lifetime.

    That being said true world peace, without riots or murder is all but a dream.  Should the above ever be created, it would be something that will take them as long to do and be as hard to do as the above currently is for us.

    maybe hundreds of years.

    Europe uniting as it has made big steps toward this.


    And I was very simplistic, there are many many such issues involved and etc etc etc.

    Like I said, not easy, not quick, but achievable.

    Hope this helps!  :)

  2. the answer was in the question.

    World peace is a wonderful goal it really is.  However as long as people have conflict (meaning a disagreement) at some point they can and will turn into an armed fight.  There has never been a time in the past 10,000 years of our existence as a civilization that there has been global peace EVER.

    People dint ch age all that much so you can bet grandma's old milk that there will never EVER ...... EVER be peace so stop convincing yourselves that it is attainable.

  3. Certainly not.

    Humans, especially males are too greedy...for power, fame, money, land, and just winning.

    Testosterone is much to blame.  It's like sports. Why are they so popular?  The joy of inflicting pain, power, dominance over others.  That applies to virtually all sports.  When hockey, football etc. cease to draw a crowd then and only then might there be chance for peace in the world.

  4. I don't think that peace will ever happen everywhere in the world. Somebody, somewhere will always be fighting for some reason.

  5. I think so...The key is COMMUNICATION. If people put down guns or machine guns or whatever they are using and TALK...make a truce and listen to each other...listen and put down  what we say in My mother land Honduras... their sling shots and machetes.  The PEACE can be reach...In Jesus name.

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