
Do you think wrestling would be better if it had an off season?

by Guest61689  |  earlier

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ya know give the writers time to write better stuff. give the guys a break so they could avoid injuries, maybe allow the fans not to get so bored with the show?




  1. No, I wouldn't want an off season, but great question though.


  2. Wrestling would be better in the WWF/WWE had not destroyed all the Wrestling Territories and crushed ECW and WCW. Blame the WWF/WWE for the state of wrestling in the United States and Canada. Giving the wrestlers time off would enable them to heel some injuries and would allow them to spend more time with their families, which would be a good thing from that standpoint. From the standpoint of the WWE, no house shows + no live events = $0. So, it won;t happen.

  3. No one get bored in wrestling and if we give them an offseason we will get the best matches in WWE history

  4. I think that an off season would definitely do some good! if these wrestlers had some time off not so many of them would be hurt. Kurt Angle would still be in the WWE, HBK probably wouldnt have so many knee problems.. undertakers career could probably last longer... i think that after wrestlemania they should take two or 3 months off and rejuvanate. give the writers some time to come up with some good c**p... give the fans time to miss the wrestlers... if they werent on tv everyday we wouldnt get sick of hearing chaingang soldier. or the champ is here. or im the game, because it wouldnt be shoved down our throat. i also dont think their would be as much steroid use. it would give the wrestlers time to bulk up on their own! and they would have more time to weight lift, when they are on the road so much it must be hard to maintain that shape... new gimmicks could be created... new matches. ratings would be better...less injuries. better stories better feuds... plus backlash ppv is a joke anyways we dont need that... WWE needs less ppv's as well fourteen in a twelve month year is wayyy too much..

    it would be fun to like be anxious for wreslting ya know... if there was an offseason, the day before the new season started we would be so excited to see what these guys look like maybe they bulked up on their off season maybe they cut their hair, who will have new gimmicks, and there could be a draft each new season

  5. if they took a off season what would we watch on mondays tuesdays and fridays? and what bout pay per views? no they would lose money and i would lose my mondays tuesdays and fridays to boredom

  6. no lar it i think wrestling is sort of a filler when the off seasons clash so better if it's ongoing

  7. I wouldn't really want an off season, but I agree that the wrestlers need more time off. I don't know what's up with the writers, lol.

  8. The ratings and story lines would be better.

    Because we would anticipate what would happen.

    It would also be better if they made rafts more often, after every new seasons new stars would be drafted.

    It would also give wrestlers time to be with their families, because alot of them end up divorcing because wrestling life is h**l because your away from your kids and spouses.

    Wrestlers actually become your family and you end up knowing them more than your own family  

  9. Absolutely!

  10. It is a good idea, but then we wouldn't be able to watch wrestling!!!

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