
Do you think wwe should have given carlito the ic belt when he was still on raw?

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Just don't say this is over but wwe just wasted the time of carlito if they want him to stay he should have been given the ic title rather than waiting for being drafted on sd.Chris should have drop it after wrestlemania since jericho doesn't need it and the ic title was being wasted for 4 months

Wq:Will dudleys and christian return to wwe after their contract expires in tna?




  1. No, Carlito is Uncool. He does not deserve a title push.

  2. I think with Carlito he had heat on him for wanting to leave WWE least year and then bashing WWE in public about lack of titles or a push.Vince persuaded him to stay, but the damage had been done and Carlito was never more than a jobber or mid-carder.He did himself no favors a while back by publicly bashing Triple H on the South American tour and complaining yet again about his lack of push.I think Carlito not getting used properly might be because of this.

    WQ~ The Dudleys have talked about one last run on WWE before they retire.But they also have said they're happy with their TNA schedule and helping train the younger talent.They're having the high profile feuds and getting the airtime and unless they want to move purely for more money, they will likely stay on TNA.

  3. ya they should of but i guess wwe can say bye to carlito if he don''t get a push soon

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