
Do you think yahoo!sports should wait until the events are shown on tv before they reveal the winners online?

by  |  earlier

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yahoo!sports is my homepage so when i went online yahoo came on up and the headline was that phelps and the USA team won the swimming relay. i was kind of bummed to find out phelps and the relay team for USA won the gold in the relay before it was even aired on tv and before i was able to watch it. it ruined the moment for me when i was actually watching it on tv cause i knew what was going to happen

do you think yahoo should wait?




  1. ya because if you know who wins then whats the point of watching

  2. Yes, most definitely, I know exactly how you feel.  I used to work nites, so I recorded all my baseball games.  Then I had to avoid people discussing the game during my shift, if not, hearing the score  ruined it for me.  I even had to keep the radio in truck off while driving home because any channel is bound to mention the results of my team- Yes the NYY's!      

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