
Do you think you'd still be Christian, if you were born in Iran or India?

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So getting to heaven is gonna depend more on where you were born than what kind of person you are?




  1. If a person has even heard of it, then possibly for some.

    Though for most of us we just take the religion our parents had until we reach adulthood.  Then we explore the world and see what else is out there and make our own decisions in what to follow.

  2. If I still have the same brain, I'd still be an Atheist.

  3. Chances r u won't.

  4. There are Holy Bibles, televisions broadcasting Christian television, evangelist like Billy Graham and others, as well as missionaries in all countries. My parents didn't force religion on me, I accepted it on my own. And my husband -  he went to a Billy Graham crusade and accepted Jesus Christ on the 40 yard line of a football stadium. It can happen anywhere, at any time, in any country.

    It doesn't depend on where you were born or what kind of person you are. It depends on you opening your heart and realizing that God loves you with all His heart. All you have to do is decide to accept that love, pray and ask for forgiveness, and ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart and have a personal relationship with you and change your life and He is faithful to do exactly that.

    God bless you.

  5. An honest person would answer no.  

  6. Religion goes by family not the country you're born in.

    I think what you mean is that these 2 countries have a vast population of another religion

    Just remember iran has a big muslim population but does have a christian one too, bigger than you probably think.. the similarities between christianity and islam are vast so being born in iran will more or less still have the same consequences in the afterlife..

    India, full of hindus as you know. As their beliefs vary a little, it doesnt really matter because they dont believe in heaven or h**l so it's not an issue to them. They share similarities to buddhism but where one must meet "moksa" -- liberation. I guess you can say that's kind of like heaven where as you become one with the gods and live with them. In hinduism there is no h**l, you are just getting reincarnated over and over (which is a negative thing) until you finally are free from this "wheel of reincatnation"...

    So no it's not depending on where you were born than what kind of person you are because each religion has their own interpretation of what heaven is and to achieve this is by strictly following religion (which generally preaches good and peace)

  7. What makes you think you can't be Christian if you were born in another country (I mean I wouldn't advise being one ; ) but nonetheless) , populated by a country who'se majority are not Christian...? They have missionaries everywhere.. internet is open for the world, people will find out about other religions.. lol So whats the problem?

  8. That's a great puzzle and the only way to solve it is to get back to the Original Kingdom Gospel which was about becoming "Children of the Light" rather than children of the blood. It's from John 12:36 and that same series of verses implies that the Crucifixion was not good news for mankind (Jn. 12:35). More on my bio.

    So the Original Gospel was about enlightenment, just as the religion in India is about enlightenment. So you see, it is the followers who have drifted away from the Original Gospel who have created this puzzle.

    But that was a great puzzle. It shows that you are wide awake and have discovered the flaw in modern theology.

  9. no, I'd probably be a muslim or a hindu.  i'd probably have been indoctrinated with whatever faith predominated the land, just as so many have been indoctrinated with christanity here in america (which i narrowly escaped).  and before anybody gives me c**p for calling it "indoctrination," you've heard the term "church doctrine" right?

  10. Probably not.  Asian countries are usually not Christian countries.  I believe that Islam is the main religion in Iran.  In India the main religions are Hindu, Sikh and Buddhist, but there are some Christians in India, and probably some in Iran as well.

  11. "The Hindu drank in with his mother's milk that this life is as nothing--a dream. In this he is at one with the Westerners; but the Westerner sees no further and his conclusion is that of the Charvaka--to "make hay while the sun shines." "This world being a miserable hole, let us enjoy to the utmost what morsels of pleasure are left to us." To the Hindu, on the other hand, God and soul are the only realities, infinitely more real than this world, and he is therefore ever ready to let this go for the other." - Swami Vivekananda.

  12. If i was told about Jesus then most likely yes.

    I am friends with a family who used to live in India and they became christians before they moved here.  

  13. You do realise Iran has around 50,000 Jews, and huge minority of Zoroastrians and Bahais as well?

  14. There's Christian believers in both Iran and India.

  15. Honestly I believe God would have let me know the truth once He saw that I wanted to know.  

    Because that is what He did.

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