
Do you think you can adopt a new cat while you are still grieving for your last kitty?

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My cat just died. I miss him so much and know that I will adopt another. Do you think I could make a good choice in a new companion now? I don't know if I should...maybe I am thinking that another cat would help me adjust. But then again there are so many cats that need to be rescued.

If you have gone through this dilemma. Please help me think about this.




  1. that's your choice.

  2. Our pets are always so special to us, and we tend to put them on a higher pedestal than anything else.

    I don't think you would compare a new cat to your old friend.

    Cats have different personalities, likes, and dislikes.

    A kitten may remind you of her, but would never replace her.

    When you feel you are ready, you will find one.

    Sorry for you loss.

  3. I absolutely think this is a wonderful idea.  Working at a vet I often see people who have to euthanize that are devastated.  I always hear that they will never get another animal again.  Within a month or two most will come back with a new baby and they are so happy.  I don't think it is trying to replace a lost pet at all, it gives you something to focus your love on and and I truly think it helps you heal faster.

  4. did u mean by a cat a GIRL?

  5. Yes, it can help.  But be careful.  I had a dog get hit by a car.  I got another dog and for awhile I didn't like anything about him that wasn't like the first one.  Of course I got over it, and all in all it was better that I found my guy.  Just let the new one be its own self and not try to make it into your first one.  You might want to find a cat that doesn't look like the one you lost.

    I'm sorry for your loss.

  6. It's a really personal decision.

    I recently lost an animal. I started going to pet stores, rescues, etc, and just hanging out with animals. During that process, I realized how much I missed mine and found an awesome one that I later took home.

    Maybe you can try that, so you can see if you're ready yet!

    Sorry for your loss.  The loss of a pet can be completely devastating.

  7. Yes, you can, and it will help with the grieving process. You'll be saving a life and making a new friend. The new cat will be different, interesting, and lovable in its own right. No, it will not replace your former cat, but it will provide you with a new relationship. It will help!

  8. My cat just died 2 days ago at the age of 5 from a blood clot and I am in the same predicament. I don't want to feel like I am replacing my cat. I loved him so much, he had such a great personality, etc. But I also feel so lonely. My house seems so quiet without him here because he would follow me around like a friend, he was so cute, kept me occupied, etc. You understand. I am also scared that if I got a new cat I would compare it to my old cat too much. Personally, I think I am going to wait about a month or so...but I'm not sure yet. You could try going to look, and getting one only if you fall in love. Sorry about your loss; I know how hard it is.  

  9. I think that rescuing a kitty could help alot. When my family lost out blonde lab if 16 years, we could only stand 2 days of doglessness before rescuing a new lab mix. Samantha (the pup) did not replace our late Buddy, but she did help us move on and be able to enjoy being at home, out in the yard again- instead of just moping around missing Buddy.

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