
Do you think you can change who you are by pretending you are someone else

by  |  earlier

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"we are who we want to be"- kurt vonegut

(and i mean this in a sense of controlling how you feel about things as well as just the personality aspect)




  1. No, you can only change who you are by BECOMING someone else.  By that I mean to take inventory of yourself and change those characteristics and personality traits with which you are uncomfortable.

  2. t"We are what we think about all day long."

    P.51 - §8 4. Is faith--the supreme assertion of human thought--desirable? Then must the mind of man find itself in that troublesome predicament where it ever knows less than it can believe.

    P.51 - §9 5. Is the love of truth and the willingness to go wherever it leads, desirable? Then must man grow up in a world where error is present and falsehood always possible.

    The point is mind is where life is experienced.

    P.1217 - §4 Mind is your ship, the Adjuster is your pilot, the human will is captain. The master of the mortal vessel should have the wisdom to trust the divine pilot to guide the ascending soul into the morontia harbors of eternal survival. Only by selfishness, slothfulness, and sinfulness can the will of man reject the guidance of such a loving pilot and eventually wreck the mortal career upon the evil shoals of rejected mercy and upon the rocks of embraced sin. With your consent, this faithful pilot will safely carry you across the barriers of time and the handicaps of space to the very source of the divine mind and on beyond, even to the Paradise Father of Adjusters.

    Note: Adjuster the spirit of God. Morantia a vast state between the physical and the spiritual.

  3. I think the more a person goes against the grain, or the fiber of their being, they face even more conflict on the inside.  

    For the most part this is something people do while relying on their outside, their surface as well as the projected personality.  What they shove down is their essence, their soul.  Which our essence is who we are, and only when we listen to ourselves, question life, and form opinions on what we think do we really let that inner diamond sparkle ever so bright.  

    So, no, I do not think you can change the real person you are by pretending to be anyone else. This causes you to only base your life on the outside world, which has nothing to do with the inside, which is the real you.  Just be yourself! There is only one like you!

    Thanks for reading!

  4. ya im very good in that.

  5. yes, you can become a person who pretends to be someone else. Vote meee for best answer :-P

  6. of course, i'm not really me. actually, everybody does role playing and everyone puts on an act at one point or another.  rather it's to impress a potential employer or the opposite s*x.  we are all role playing and the act changes as the situation warrants.

  7. True change cannot be the result of pretense, since these two things are opposites.  As the old adage goes, the leopard cannot change its spots.

  8. Most people pretend to be someone they're not.  It doesn't change who they are, but it does change their ability to have any effectiveness in the world or satisfaction and meaning in their lives.

    You can't control how you feel.  Another way of saying that is that the left-brain, logical side of your mind can't control your emotions.  It can only supress them and repress them.

    As for the Vonnegut quote: it is equally true that we are who we don't want to be.  In other words, your thoughts create your reality.  If you think about what you want (enough), that will come to you.  If you think about what you don't want (enough), what you don't want will come to you.

  9. Yes, that is a good definition of education.  Further,  education has nothing to do with any kind of objective truth.

    That is why people, and I mean otherwise intelligent people, buy in to dangerous cults, to political parties, to military regimes, to careers and so on.  As a matter of fact some Olympic athletes of today do most of their workouts in their imaginations.  It works just as well as the physical and it prevents them from getting injured.

    You`re bang on.  Cheers!

  10. definitely!!!

    its so easy to become the lie! if you think about it, we are who we are told we're supposed to be or taught to be. so yeah

    i always pretend to fall in love n yes, i believe my self

    over n over

  11. U've just answered it. We are who we want to be is ABSOLUTE. Not we are what we pretend to be?!! So, NO! Whatever influences that may come from outside ourself really dont make u are not who u are. Its becoz u've made ur choice, not coz ppl told u.

  12. Absolutely.Absolutely.Sometimes the control you can have over an emotion may be either harder to gain or be more limited than the one you can have on another,but you can convince yourself of anything.You can even assume body positions that can change your mood and, with constant practice, your personality.

    Somebody used the two different hemispheres as an argument, but aside from the fact that the difference between them is not as clear as many people think, they are also,of course,connected.OF COURSE you can influence your emotions with ideas and vice versa, and pretence is,after all,an idea.

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