
Do you think you can make a difference?

by Guest65735  |  earlier

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Do you think you can make a difference?




  1. I think if we all believe we can, each of us, then all of us together can make a huge difference.  But sometimes people just see themselves, and don't understand that they aren't just one person that believes, but plenty, and we can make a difference.

  2. I plan to, but i think i need to succeed in life first before i can.  You need to have a lot of money or be really famous to really do anything.  

  3. yes inshallah  i can : )

  4. i think.. well.. i believe.. we all make a difference in someones, if not everyones life, every day.... but remember, sometimes, that just one person we make a difference to, means the world to us....

    umm.. i know i make a difference in my parents life and they know that , Alhumdulillah, i'll always be around if they ever need me.

  5. Stevie Wonder:

    We all have ability. The difference is how we use it.

  6. I already have.

    I, (along with others), have laid hands on the sick,(terminal inoperable), in prayer, in the name of Jesus(swt),and they were made well.

    Also, praying for the demonized, and the evil spirits went away, leaving the persons in their right minds.

    Glorious difference!

  7. every single person counts

  8. Yes please vote for me

  9. yea whether its a good difference or a bad difference, both can effect the world even in the smallest way :)

  10. I believe I can. Just need strong faith in the Only One who is able to be trusted!

    Ramadan greetings to every one!

  11. Yes, I am a Muslim woman. The difference I make is the impression I imprint on people. My patience, kindness, good conduct, and selfless character leave non-Muslims in awe of what they have just witnessed.

    I am a home health aide, and I always leave an impressionable scent behind. That scent is called Islam.

  12. Yes ..........I think I can make a difference.

  13. No I am only a . How about you?

  14. Of course! besides, we all are different and unique. ^.^

  15. every person makes a difference.

    whether they think so or not  

  16. yes , i pretty much believe in myself..

    always love and peace..

  17. No I cant.

  18. Insh'Allah

  19. if i have Will of Allah Allmighty with me..then yes ,no one can stop !!

    look at the history,there have never been a bunch of people,there has always been a SINGLE person making the difference,which brought changes into the hearts and mind of the people and changed the world

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