
Do you think you deserve love, prosperity and success?

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Yes we all DO deserve love, prosperity and success but do you think you do, what does your sub conscious tell you? Now i'll ask that question again!




  1. Yes, we all deserve to have those things

  2. I think we all deserve happiness, whichever way shape or form it comes in.

  3. Beyond those things that are minimal, as I have grown intellectually and spiritually I believe I have acquired love, prosperity within and without, and success far and above anything I could truly earn or deserve.

    Of all, it is the inward storehouse of wealth that far outweighs anything on the outside, except perhaps sharing my life with my two house mates, Abbey and Angel (lab mixes). To have Angel show up in my street, to win his trust, and to be rewarded with appreciation, perhaps it is the greatest privilege of extending love and compassion I have yet to have in this life.

    The more love I give, the more I get back from everyone I meet on two and four legs.

  4. yeah agree with answer one

    .....what is deserving anyway?

    if ur good at what u do, then yeah you have earnt it and ur gonna get it, but "deserving" is a big claim to make.....none of us have chosen

    our talents, our education, our upbringing, but all seriously affect our chances of success.

  5. We all deserve love. The rest is just garnish.

  6. As I learn and grow, I understand that Love, Prosperity and Success are always within me. It is up to me to know and appreciate this and to be willing to accept it unconditionally.  Do I deserve this? Absolutely!  As does everyone else. With a good heart and good intentions the more Love and positive energy we give out the more we get back.  

  7. Everybody deserves love, job, social security, and well-being.

  8. We all *need* love but

    I don't like to talk about 'deserving' anything.

    I don't think it works like that.

    It's just our egos playing tricks. (making us proud and jealous)

    If we say we deserve those things then we also have to say we deserve our misfortunes. How can either be true?

    It's just chasing the wind.


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