
Do you think you should have to get a license to parent?

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As in a license that would allow you to have kids, So as people can't have kids and s***w them up. Thoughts?.




  1. FINALLY!! some one who shares my thoughts!! YES!!! you should have to go through some kind of mental examination to have children!!! you have all these physcos killing there babies and abusing them and you think my god!! why do they have children!!!!!! Yeah i totally agree 100 percent!!!!

  2. What would be the point? It's not like you can test/teach them how to handle every single situation one may encounter when becoming a parent.

    There are a whole bunch of people in this world with a driver's license who can't drive, yet they still do! It would be pointless...

    Best Wishes =]

  3. YES!!!!!!!!!

  4. While this seem intuitive, I'm not sure that's the type of control we want to give away.  I have a daughter, and wasn't planning on being a parent, but when that little miracle popped out, life changed.

    How would you propose administering this and what would be the method of enforcement... Would you propose to euthanize babies because some dumb *** 13 yr old made a bad choice.

  5. it does sound good... but how would you do this??? before people had kids?? there are so many people who think they know how they would raise their kids and then when they do have them they find out that everything is totally different! trust me i wish we could have a test, but it would not work.

    what we do need is to put more money into child services so there can be more people out there investigating child abuse reports. I have a friend who works for CPS and they are so over worked and under funded. Children fall threw the cracks.  

  6. NO. no other human being has the right to tell another that they can or cannot reproduce.

  7. LOL...I believe we should all take a test to become parents...driving is a privilege...why not parenting be one as well??

  8. This is the best god d**n question EVAR on Yahoo! Questions.  Convicted felons can come out of prison and breed with the best of them, but they're not allowed to do anything else.  The Christians run around believing that they have been put on this planet to breed like rabbits.  When the maternity leave runs out, then they realize the atrocity that they have just committed.  They have created a corporate slave for 65+ years to work at a job he hates.  There's no sense trying to reach these quote/unquote "People"  It's ingrained in their heads that they have to either make their parents proud by spitting out babies left and right or that they have to carry on the family name...  They're gonna have to learn the hard way; life sucks and their kids gonna rebel on them one day.  

  9. I agree with you,but HATE to have ANY part of the gov'mnt stepping in on this,from ANY level.There are too many people who think they will be good parents and turn out to be cockroaches

  10. Actually, YES!

    I think without that license you shouldn't be allowed to have kids. The world would be a lot better with it.

  11. As good as an idea that is it, so more kids would stop being abused, it would be h**l for people like my husband and I to get one as we live 'alternative' lifestyles.

    I see where people are coming from with this but I know that since I live in US and religion dominates, I'd never be aloud to have kids.

    Plus I believe that the government should never be aloud to make laws that pertain to a persons body. Women can get pregnant laws or not, so it would be very hard to regulate and we don't need to be filling our jails with people who want kids.

  12. nobody  is great at everything they do and that's even parenting and even  people who makes there kids mind and they don't do anything wrong they can still be whatever they want and when kids think that they will go by that and wont listen to anybody else..


    my mom gave me up when i was born and my grandma raised me and she had rules and treated me great but i just didn't want to listen and i wanted to do what i wanted. so is the greatest person i know and she tried her best with me.

  13. NO!!! everyone has their own right to have children. I DON'T think we should have licenses.That's almost like we're becoming China(no offense) I mean u no they can't have more than one child. I don't think the liscense would do much good anyways.People are still going to be making babies. No matter what anyone says.

  14. yes-but it should be a class.  (free)  In order to have kids, you need it. just have the men wear that belly thing and the women take care of that robot baby then have the women wear the belly thing and the men take the robot baby.That should teach them.

  15. How would you be able to test everyone?

    People get unexpectedly pregnant all the time, and very few people know exactly when they are going to become impregnated. So how would you give them the test? Say they are already unexpectedly pregnant and they fail the test... do they need to get an abortion?

    while it might sound nice (some parents should have probably been prevented from conceiving haha), it's impractical.

  16. Yes, and it should be based on a test.

    Would you lock your child in the closet for a week because he/she cried?

    Yes - no license

    Any of the questions could be pulled from daily headlines about child abuse, neglect, and parental stupidity.

  17. a license?? lol....this is of the free r****d

  18. No, no one is perfect and everyone has different thoughts on what "s******g up" another life is.

    If one's life is really that bad that is when the state steps in and others become involved.

  19. No because no can be 100% sure that you will or will not be a good parent.  I have known people that were going down the wrong path and when they got pregnant they straightened up their act and know they are wonderful parents.  I also know people that I thought would be good parents and their not.  

  20. That has its positives and negatives. I think everyone should have to take a class to prepare them, but some people are bad at first and then get used to it and become great parents, and some people start out great and then something happens and they're the worst parents in the world. If you had to get a license, there would be WAY more kids in foster care and up for adoptions.  

  21. Yes i think you should have a liscense to parent. There are A LOT of unfit mothers and fathers out there and people out there in general who don't deserve to have kids. Too many drug addicts out there with kids and people that abuse their kids. I think if a woman gets pregnant and she is declared an unfit mom then she should be court ordered to give the child up to more deserving parents. The world would be a much betfter place if that were a real law.  

  22. It really depends on what you think of, as s******g up.

    I mean personally, I think letting your kid watch t.v., watch violent movies, not have a bedtime, not have a curfew, not be healthy eaters, and spanking them is really s******g them up.

    But there are others who do exactly what I don't like, and think their kids are perfect and fine...and they actually tell me that they think the way I raise my child is ideological and not letting him live.

    Being judgmental of other parents when you're a parent is really pointless because everyone has their own views, philosophies, and ideas.

    So in my parents should not have a license.

  23. I don't know if a license should be required, but I would strongly suggest that EVERY parent-to-be (mom and dad) take some sort of parenting class prior to the baby's arrival.

    My husband and I figured that before our first daughter was born, we had maybe 5 minutes of child care experience between us. I had some horrible experiences as a baby sitter and I had limited experience with children in general. I believe that in my case, the Mommy gene switched on right after my daughter was born, but not everyone is like that. But we did take a parenting class prior to her arrival and I went from the woman who held the baby doll upside down while trying to undress it to being a darn good mother. Just ask anyone who has spent at least five minutes with my kids - they are amazing and if I had to get a license, I probably would have failed the exam and been told to forget about it.

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