
Do you think you should toughen little kids up to get them ready for entering school?

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My kid is an only child and so he's not that used to being picked on or anything, so I was thinking this summer I would start kind of playing tricks on him or scaring him or whatever. Like I told him we were going to go to Disneyworld and instead I drove by some old burnt up warehouse and I just screamed "Oh my god Disneyworld burned down." He cried for hours but I think maybe that kind of thing will toughen him up. What do you think?




  1. Well, that's a little extreme. But yeh, kids should probably be toughened up a little before they start school. Just let them know what might go on, and prep them for it.

  2. Wow dude seriously I hope you're kidding!  That's not cool.  If you really did that, you went too far.  Try being a bit more subtle next time, or your kid is going to be traumatized for life, if he's not already.  When he starts having nightmare's about Mickey Mouse you better be ready comfort the poor little guy!

  3. Try coming up with your own material instead of stealing bad jokes from old SNL skits.

  4. your an a**

  5. There is something very seriously wrong with you.

  6. OMG! that is so mean!! i am 12 and i would cry my eyes out if you were my dad and you did that to me!! just tell him what being in school is gonna be like, and kids might pick on him but dont scare him, or it willl be impossible to get him to acctually go.

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