
Do you think you think harder when you are depressed??

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why and how so for this in your opinion?

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  1. I don't think harder but I do overanalyze more.

  2. Yes, it does take more effort to think when you are depressed. Your mind feels tired and weary and everything is an effort. At least when you are on top form, or a normal day (without being depressed), then most thinking comes quite naturally without having to think too hard...

  3. If you mean something like is it normal that when you are depressed, it seems like you have racing thoughts... then the answer is "yes". This all dates back to when humans weren't at the top of the food chain, and frankly, we were dumb as rocks. The sort of "chain reaction" of thoughts you are experiencing is actually a defense mechanism that our brains developed thousands of years ago. What it does is that anytime you have a bad experience and get a negative feeling from it, your brain automatically starts digging up every memory of every time you felt that way. It's very easy to get lost in these thoughts, but if you know whats happening, you can stop it. For example: you get cheated on... the next thing you know you are thinking about that one time in the fourth grade when your best friend betrayed you. See, even though these situations are completely different, they may give you the same feeling of betrayal. So then your brain will relate them in order to trigger you to protect yourself from the current issue. Your mind is trying to show you to get away from whatever is making you feel bad by reminding you of old emotions. That's why we can so quickly spiral down into depression once our mind starts throwing all these negative things at us. Now that you know that its not for any reason other than mechanics, you can have a better grip on your thoughts. Don't let your mind wonder. Hope this all makes some kind of sense.  

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