
Do you think you tilt your head left when kissing if you have a dominate right brain?

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lately i have read that most people tilt their heads to the right when kissing...tonight i noticed that both myself and my partner tilt to the left...and we are both "creative" right brained people...interesting...would appreciate any comments or observations...




  1. im very creative in art and so on, and i tilt to the right.

  2. that's a really interesting question actually...i'm more creative and right brained myself, but i also go to the right.

    Maybe it has something other to do than being right or left brained.

  3. Let me guess this is a girl asking?

  4. I think (not sure) I also tilt it to the left

    and I've been said twice I'm balanced between right & left dominante parts of the brain.

  5. That is interesting.  I always tilt my head to the left also when I kiss. I dont think I'm right brained because Im not too creative, but who knows.

  6. i read somewhere that it depends on the intensity of the kiss. tilting to the left was said to indicate strong desire and real feeling whereas a right tilt meant the opposite.

    i'm not sure if that's true or not. anyway, i'm a right-sider and left tilter too.

  7. Here's one for you:  are you and your partner, left handed, right handed or ambi?

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