
Do you think you understand true loneliness as I do.?

by  |  earlier

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I know a lot of people are alone but I have spent my entire 37 years of existence alone, the solitude for me has stopped being a feeling and has become a manifestation that has it's icy jaws biting down on my very soul, 10 years ago I thought I understood the loneliness but now I truly do, and I can only imagine how much more of a presence it will be in ten or so years from now... and anyone who does read this question... please don't allow this to happen to you as well.




  1. Alone and lonely are not synonymous. Someone can be alone, and never feel lonely...someone can be in a crowded room, have family, friends, and a relationship, and feel as if they are the loneliest person on earth.

    It's up to you to take steps to change your situation if you are unhappy with it. Most people have periods of helps us to appreciate those times when we are not.

  2. i think u should write a book

  3. I can say that I do not understand the loneliness that you have described.  You must be in so much pain.  Do you not have one person to talk to?  There must be someone in your life.  A family member?  I have been lonely before.  It helps to talk.

  4. I do understand where u are coming from (even know i am in my early 20s) but u got to tell your self, why m i so lonely?, what went wrong for me to have this problem going on. DO you get out and talk to women? do u have women friends? I mean think about that and that should solve your problems good luck and wish u the best.

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