
Do you think you will get what you want more quickly if you speak honestly and from the heart???

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Do you think you will get what you want more quickly if you speak honestly and from the heart???




  1. Depends who your'e dealing with.  Some people are threatened or jealous of other people's wants.

    I think lying and manipulating are learned behavior.  I think everyone starts out trying honesty.  For some, at one point in their lives, they learned that honesty didn't work so well, got told no or that their want was wrong.  So they learned how to get their needs met through other ways.

    But yeah, sometimes people just don't get it when you imply what you want, or feel taken advantage of when you manipulate to get what you want.  Honesty is by far the best way when you can do it.  But i think that even with healthy people, the complicated nature of human relationships may dictate some round-about ways sometimes.

  2. its the "law of attraction". universe listens to it and somehow happns whats in the heart.

    sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. In my perfect world, i hope so.

    logically and looking at experiences, past, it's just coincedence.

    you sow what your reap but that's really about it and hope keeps us going.  

  3. Not here in the US. I believe that over the last few years we have become more superficial where innuendo and implication carry the same weight as a fact.

    Consider the circumstances and the listener.

  4. Not necessarily, but you'll feel better about yourself.

  5. you may not get what you want..but you should get what you need...

  6. I know if someone treats me with the respect to speak honestly and through their feelings, I am more apt to, not only do whatever I can for them, but also I would go the extra mile and treat their need as if it were my own and bring it to a quick conclusion. If I couldn't directly help them, I would help find the resources and refer them out.

  7. I love this question!

    I think that you probably will. But more importantly, you won't care because you are being completely true to yourself and strong.

  8. Yes, and it works in all other phases of life as well.

  9. Depends on what type of people you are talking to .  

  10. Yes of course.. always speak from the heart.. You will never get anything if you clam up and say nothing.

  11. In my vast experience, I have found that honest is the best policy.  I have more respect for people who are honest than for people who tend to stretch the truth.  I don't know if you have heard about the Last Lecture, by Randy Pauch, he was an incredible man, and he said many profound things.  Perhaps the one that stood out to me the most was this:  He was asked "If you could tell people only 3 words, what would they be?"  His answer, "Tell the truth!"  Then he added, "If I could have 3 more words, they would be "All the time!"  

    I believe it was Mark Twain who said "If you always tell the truth, you never have to remember what you said!"  In other words, sometime people lie and then they have to tell another lie to cover the previous lie, and on and on it goes!  The best policy is to always tell the truth.

    Speaking from the heart is a rather risky thing at times, but it is always the best in the long run.

    I don't know if I get things more quickly, but I certainly know that when I do receive things after I have been truthful, they have more meaning and greater value to me.

  12. Interesting question.  Small children start out by asking directly and from the heart and, kids being great survivors, soon learn what works best, which parent to ask, how to phrase the request.  In negotiation school we learn that it is important to understand the other person's needs and to see the extent that you can satisfy these without giving up too much that is important to you.  For this to work both parties must be up front about what is important to them.  But if you study diplomacy you will see that the road is often a twisty one, with quite a bit of prevarication.  And in affairs of the heart it it is not always the best tactic to announce what you want too clearly, as in "so, ya gonna or not?"  I suppose the answer is, as so often, "it depends".

  13. what if the people's minds are twisted and only few can hear words from heart?????????

  14. simply yes.

  15. depends on the circumstances.

    sometimes you'll get the opposite of what you want even if you are honest and speak from the heart.

    been there, done that!

    it is what it is.

    BUT...honest is always best!

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