
Do you think your Clubs fans are Loyal?

by  |  earlier

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i know mine are, we give managers time regardless if we arent sure of them, never sing sack the board, and we all dipped into our own pockets to get the club out of Debt.




  1. Fortunately Utd have never been in severe financial difficulty so they've never needed my help in that aspect. I wouldn't say we've got a particularly loyal support though. There's about 5000-6000 of us who buy season tickets every year and maybe 1000 who go on a regular basis, they're the loyal ones, the real supporters.

    I remember under Tommy McLean we finished 3rd, unbeaten for 17 games, winning at Ibrox, cup final, we had a brilliant season and Tannadice was sold out most weeks, where are these people now?? We had a similar type of season last year and Tannadice was half empty most of the time, it annoys me, our ground is like is morgue some days.

  2. Celtic fans are the best in the world.

  3. can only say that during a the moment there are a few who are a little disgruntled with the lack of signings etc...but none that I know of who are about to walk away. However there were a few who wanted WGS head not so long ago...

    I think it is more about passion than pride and the fans that walk away were never true fans and wont be missed anyway

  4. as a whole i would say yes.there are still some who are on GSs back but these folk will never accept him.after what he has achieved in his time at paradise i cannot fault him apart from how he treats the media at times.i think most clubs have a minority who are far too quick to critisise.i  remember the rankers 9iar and the s**t i had to take from ranker mates and at no time would i ever even think about not sticking up for the bhoys.the ger fans have been at the top of the pile for a long time but now murrays miss spending is taking a huge effect and it is a very bitter pill for them to swallow.

  5. Once again to ask a question when you have your facts wrong, yous didn't dip your hands in your pockets to get your club out of debt, thus your still in debt! Murray paid a fortune back into the club to try to cover up the fact that your share issue was a huge disappointment (this is absolute FACT).

    Every club has its set of fans who are unloyal and want to ***** and moan about everything, like your fans who are ready to protest. But likewise all clubs have die hard fans that will follow their club throught he good times and the bad

  6. You know I would love to say yes they all are but I can't.We have the idiots wanting to protest because they can't see Cuellar chose to leave.Yes I know we have the right to have our voices heard but this is not the way to do it.I didn't hear them bloody complaining last season.

    I am happy you have loyal fans and I wish I could say the same about rangers but I do think the majority of rangers fans are.

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