
Do you think your pain in life has given you depth, a way to open your spirit?

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Like there is a reason for everything that happens???




  1. There are many ways to Communicate with Life and Pain also is one way of Communication. If one takes the message what pain is trying to convey , You will definitely progress in some way or the other :-)

  2. welllllllll

    pain is what it is. Personally, I could do without it. But it IS a great teacher.

  3. Pain in the body & the Spirit serve only one purpose, to alert us that something is wrong. The emotional pain that I suffered in the past did only one thing for me, once I was sick & tired of feeling emotional pain & could stand it no more, it caused me to seek another way. In this, it served it's purpose well.


  4. Pain itself opened my spirit to things I would otherwise have never allowed myself to understand.  I can't really take any credit for opening myself... the pain kind of made it necessary to open up.

    I think that's the point.  It's beginning to feel like even the tiniest little event has a reason that is eternal in consequence.

    In my experience, pain seems to be the purifier that causes me to let go of my weaknesses.  I think that's why Jesus spoke the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, explaining that the rich man would be "in torment" while Lazarus (who had suffered so much in life) would be in paradise.  Lazarus had so many more purifying moments in his life, because of how much he suffered, while the rich man, who spent a life of ease, never felt stimulated to give up his baser nature and embrace the beauty that his spirit was capable of becoming.  

    That poor, poor rich man....  ;-)

    P.S.  But I suppose there is a bit of that rich man inside me, too... who would rather not suffer, even though I know that trials and suffering serves a higher purpose.  I guess that rich man is a warning to me to try to overcome complacency and self-satisfaction, and keep trying to do some good and heal some of the pain of other people or creatures.  Working through another's pain, feeling empathy, is like feeling pain by proxy.  Then the process purifies both people who experience it... both the sufferer and the helper.  

    Don't mind me.  :-)  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚™Â¥

  5. When things went wrong in my life, I spent my time finding solutions, not worrying about if it hurt.

  6. if life loves me...then I must know that "love hurts"



  7. I think all of our experiences including pain bring about different growth in our life. Some people of course respond to pain with bitterness and that too changes you. Some of the heartaches and pain I've gone through have made me truly value each and every day and the people that are in it.  That's why I do try hard to focus on the good and positive blessings in my life rather than those things, or people that I don't have. I've always thought of myself as a caring and compassionate person , but pain and loss have made me even more so, I believe.  You have to dig deep sometimes to see the sun shining when you are in deep pain. But it does always shine and hope pops in on the horizon. Some people close up with pain and others grow in spite of it..

  8. I think there is a reason for everything, but I think it's just karma and bad karma is bad for your spirit. To really experience who you really are, bad experiences have to be forgotten or at least mitigated from their affects on your psyche. Actually all experiences, good and bad have to be forgotten, because life exist in the present, but bad experiences give a deeper impression and are harder, to me, to forget.

  9. Yes unfortunately we must experience pain to experience true joy and grow.  We have to learn to sink or swim in this life.    Somebody said "life is not meant to be easy" - It's all about the pain then it's all about the growth.

  10. The more pain inflicted either by the "self" or outside sources has opened up a pathway to my spirit.  From the beginning of birth we are continually in spiritual pain, some may call this (depression) at times.  This is spiritual agony.  

    When you are finally aware of your first "awakening" you begin to realize how all the pain brought you to this new dimension.  If we accept the pain instead of running from its grasp our spiritual awareness begins to grow deeper and we yearn to become even more connected to the Divine or experience a personal relationship with God.


  11. Pain is an opening to understanding, for sure.  American Indians would inflict great amounts of pain in a special ceremony just to change their state of consciousness.  Hindus do it in a ceremony recommened by their doctors!  In the middle ages, devout Christians would pray for illness in order to be close to God.  In an incapacitated state reality takes on a new meaning.  It is a great vehicle for spititual understanding.  It has helped me evolve very quickly.  I have insights that the "normal" societal clown doesn't.

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