
Do you think your parents raised you well?

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Do you think your parents raised you well?




  1. Yes

  2. I'm 16 and my parents are great. They've always been there for me, told me they love me, and have always done whats best for me, even though I didn't like it at the time. I'm so grateful for all they've done for me and my younger brother and sister.

  3. Well, I know my mom did the best that she could in a bad alky, irresponsible, no he didn't try....I have issues as an adult because of my mom wasn't innocent as she did lecture me to the point that i swear it was mental abuse. However, i know she loves me and ws just overwhelmed and was close to a break was my dad htat made a mess of her and everyone else. he was a horrible father and she was the best mom./..because she loved her kids..and any all things she did was for us...despite her being way to close tto being commited.

  4. Well, I guess most parents now, are trying to 'mould' their kids to someone great or someone good in life as they are not. No matter how good or bad they raised us to be, options are still in our hands to be good or bad.

    Sincerely, I feel that it's up to individual aspects, who are they to be blamed if say their kid/s grow up and take drugs / do something which is against the law? No parents wants that to happen to their kid/s. Though I understand that some parents are abusive, etc, but that's not the point. Every parents wants the best for their kid/s, perhaps we ought to stand in their own shoe's and think about it. Will we be worst or better parents in future? Most of us will say 'better', see! that's because we all want to be a good parents to our kids but life is really unpredictable. :)

    So I can't say I THINK MY PARENTS DON'T RAISE ME WELL just because I'm not born with a silver spoon / just because my friends get this and that but i don't / etc. It's the fact that they do and will always try their best. So if you think that oh your parents didn't love u as much or whatever, or should treat u better, well, maybe to them, they already did, just that we do not appreciate?

    Or maybe I'm saying all these because I know my dad dotes me too much! LOL. Which sometimes I'm really irritated by it, and when he tries to give me much freedom, I'll complain to him? LOL. I'm not a daddy's girl, but I genuinely feel that sometimes parents do love us too much to the extend that we are spoilt and we are seeking for more!

    Whether do I think my parents raised me well or not, doesn't matter. What matters most is the 'filial piety' and how you 'repay' them back. That's the greatest proof to this question! :)  

  5. of course

  6. my parents barely raised me;

    my mom and dad did for the first years of my life, then when they split up. my sister raised me for a long time. until i moved with my dad, and he's been raising me ever since.

    but, i don't know. i like being independent or trying to be.

  7. generally yes i think they did a good job.

  8. Yes.  There are a few things that I've done differently with my own children, but I believe my parents did a fine job at being parents.

  9. yea! thankfully

  10. hmmm....I turned out well. Do I think they did well? I don't know about that. I think they did the best they could, though I do everything as not to repeat the mistakes they made.

  11. They aren't perfect, and I don't want be anything like them in terms of physical appearance or personality, not one bit, but as parents, they are excellent. Even though they are divorced, they still work hard and care for me, and they have taught me in a way such that even though I am only 16, people often mistaken me for a responsible adult into my twenties. Any parent in the world who can make their children dependent--perhaps not necessarily financially--at age 14-5, then he/she is definitely a good parent.

  12. h**l no, i raised myself to be the opposite of them both and i turned out remarkably well for the situations i was faced with.

  13. h**l No, My mum and step dad were never there for me (have never met my bio dad), so in that at least I did learn about the kind of mother I wanted to be and that defined me, so it did help, as I am always there for my daughters now, and they know they are the most important thing in my life,  something I never experienced myself.

    And heck when my mum and step dad broke up I basically raised myself - literally as I cooked, cleaned and was always home alone at the age of 12. it was awful, waking up in a house alone, going to bed at night alone after doing ALL the household chores.

    and I swore I would never ever let my kids feel like they didn't exist or didn't matter, my girls know how precious they are and I will always - always be there for them, no matter what.

  14. My mom does my dad is over protective and has anger promblems!

  15. My dad did, my mother never really cared about me.

  16. Yep, while they were together, then my mum did the best she could after my dad left us.  

  17. Well, i am doing well so they must have. They had some pretty major issues to over come and tragedies so they did good.

  18. yep. couldn't have asked for better parents than mine! love them to bits

  19. ya

  20. My parents were, and still are worthless as parents. My father was basically non-existant, and my mother was an alcoholic, and very abusive.

    I thank god for my grandfather who I consider to be my real father. Love you and miss you pop. RIP

    And for my aunt, who has been more of a mother to me than my "real" mother every dreamed off being

  21. My egg & sperm doners screwed me up

    My Real Family raised me well.

  22. My mom pretty much. even though I wish she would have been a lot stricter with me would have kept me out of trouble. One of the things I will not do is let my children curse. My mom never cared about that an I had a very hard time to correct it by myself. My dad left when I was 5 so I don't really remember him. He sexually abused both my sisters so I don't think the raised well can count toward him.

  23. Yes, they were not perfect, but I would follow almost everything they did in raising their children.  

  24. No, they were both addicts, at 8 I felt like I had to protect my baby brother, he still sends me mothers day cards. Oh yeah they divorced when I was four and my mother married five times, to a bunch of losers. My dad skipped state, yep great role models!

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