
Do you think your religion is best?

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if you do, i have bad news for you, i think you are fanatic.

tell me how do you feel about that?




  1. Religion is of man, Faith is of God!

  2. I don't care what religion people are. It doesn't matter to me.  

  3. No I despise religion and religious ceremonies people use to try to reach God.

    I have a relationship with Jesus.  If you have that, you don't need religion.

  4. in order of your questions...

    1.  YES!  

    2.  I feel like you are a sad person who want to argue because you have nothing better to do or think.

    Well you asked!  

  5. answer: it's the best one for me and my family and friends.  It's not the best for everyone (I shudder at the thought of some Christians ever trying to be Heathen).

    No one religion is for everyone.

  6. i think that my religion is correct

    there is only one god

    and one way into getting into heaven

    so how am i supposed to say i think mine is best.

    i think that mine is correct

    theres no competition

    thats not what religion is for

  7. I feel it's best for me, not necessarily for anyone else.

  8. No.  I could care less what people think about my beliefs or what they themselves believe, but my outfits?  That's another topic...for another mentioning, does it?  

  9. I would agree that anyonewho thinks his or her religion is the only answer to life is probably fanantical, - but I belive that my way suits me best.  

  10. Hm.

    It works for me.

    So yeah.


  11. I think you used the wrong word there.  Instead of fanatic I think you meant fantastic, which is how I feel about my religion.  How do you feel about that?

  12. If you think everyone who has faith is a fanatic then you are obviously not open minded. So you can go to h**l.

    And I only think its best because it is

  13. Fanatatastic!

  14. Well I'm's more of a belief than a religion..and I don't think any beliefs/religions are better than's just what people choose to believe.

  15. Me too. It may not be what flys your kite or floats your boat but it will get me where I want to be for all eternity.

  16. I feel it is the best one for me. I doubt many people will care if you call them fanatics, I know I don't.  How do you feel about that?

  17. Look I don't think there is any better religon while we should be more open minded toward other ideas and not be so closed minded no religion is the best

  18. obviously, everyone thinks their religion is the best. otherwise, why would they have that religion?

  19. every religion says they are "the right one"

  20. Like the first post

    It's best for me, it could be totally wrong for you.

    but arguably my faith isn't a religion but a worldview.

  21. I'd like to say that Christianity is not the best, it is the only way to heaven. John 14:6 says, "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" Acts 4:12 says, "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." The Bible is clear that Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven, and by no other name can one be saved.

  22. My religion is best for me.  Your religion should be best for you.  If it isn't find the one that is, which may be no religion at all.  Or make one up.

    Am I a fanatic about my religion?  Kind of.  I practice it with my whole spirit.  It pervades everything I do.  Am I an evangelist for it?  No.  It's such a basic part of me that I have a hard time explaining it to anyone else, much less trying to convince them that they should follow it.  I only hope that each person finds something that works as well for them.

  23. I don't argue when it comes to my religion .I need a place where I can go communaley and worship and praise the giver of my life.I worship at home as well .You said something that says you are angry with religion and I can understand why some are.I am sorry if you feel that way but don't be angry with God because no religion can represent Him perfectly since men run them and are not in any position to do that.God Bless You and I wish you had good news for me instead of bad.

  24. No, I think the religion that is the best is the one that tells all people that they are good and they will get whatever they want if the claim it and shoot out good thoughts.

    I think that "my religion" biblical Christianity, is true.

    Shouldn't this be the question we ask ourselves... is it true?  Not,

    do I like it?


    How do I feel about it?

    it's not rude to believe you are right, everybody does.  The question is "are they right?"

  25. I'm a follower of Hinduism, I was born to a Hindu family. I agree with many aspects of Hinduism and disagree with some. I have studied Islam and Christianity to some extent and I think Islam is the best of all till date. I won't call it perfect, but I should admit that it's better than the other religions. And, all religions, teach to love and follow the path of one true divine God.

  26. i dont think my religion is best.

    i have a BELIEF that my religion, ISLAM, is the only true religion and that there is only one god (allah), and that prophet muhammad (peace be upon him) is the apostle of allah.

    I am not judging any other religion or that, so and so's religion is this and that. All i am saying is, to me is my religion, to u is yours. u will not practise my religion, neither will i practice yours. I dont care what all bad things u say to islam. all i know is that u will be accounted with allah on the day of judgement.

    even if someone tells me bad things about my religion, i will not think oh i should do the same to the person in order to see him suffer. Instead i will just follow the quran and the sunnah left behind rasullah (pbuh).

    ENough information?


  27. I believe that my religion is true.  Now, since I believe it is true, obviously I believe that any religion that teaches the opposite of mine, or that calls mine false, cannot be true if mine is true.  Pretty simple.  I am sure that others feel the same about their religion(s).  If you really, truly believe it, then of course you think its the best.

  28. I think my religion is true.

    I have faith based on evidence that I cannot find fault with. I research, I look at arguments, apologetics, and it all strengthens my faith.

    That's not to say that my religion IS true - but so far I have not found anything that threatens my beliefs. Maybe I'll find something that will destroy everything I believe in.

    I seek the truth, and I believe I've found it.

    If that makes me fanatic, so be it.

  29. yes, I have found that Jesus Name churches , such as UPC are wonderful churches, because they are the ones that teach Acts 2:38 and baptism in Jesus name. the other churches never taught me that. I'm studying and learning more. I don't care if people think I'm a fanatic. that's not what is important. Knowing Jesus who is the truth is what is important.

  30. i dont have religion ,religion sends ppl to h**l i am born  again ,and u callin me a fanatic is a compliment! thank u very much ,great is my reward in heaven:)

  31. Nothing wrong with being passionate about a religion. Crazy I will kill or do anything for it yes that's bad, especially because all religions pretty much teach we're supposed to love each other. Anyway I agree with no religion 100% some details are questionable and a bit skewed, so RELIGION is DAMNATION !!! GOD IS REAL!!!

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