
Do you think your teacher's think less of you if you wear makeup?

by  |  earlier

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Cuz i have been scared to where it to school for that reason




  1. what r u thinking lady!!!! unless the teacher is a psycho then yes but not then no! if they did judge u like that then they wouldn't be teachers!!

  2. no. never.

    but.. they might find it odd if you are still in elementary school.. but they should never think less of you.

    and.. don't go overboard.

  3. Well when your wearing the whole painters palette on your face then everyone would think less of you. But if you do makeup to enhance, define, and polish up your overall look then that might make people think higher of you.

  4. I think that as long as your makeup is appropriate looking, it will be fine.  But you are right in that people are sometimes (unfortunately) judged by their appearance.  

  5. Not at all, if anything your teacher would think your maybe to young to wear makeup or maybe think you either wearing to much and it looks horrible, as i see alot of little girls still at school wearing loads of makeup and it doesn't make them pretty, it actually makes them ugly, so keep it natural and light for school. The teacher isn't there to judge you but to teach you. So go ahead and wear your makeup to school as long as its not to heavy or to much, as i says keep it natural and light =) xx

  6. Nope to tell you the truth I don't think teachers notice what you wear unless its really distracting, I mean they have a lot of students do you really think they have time to worry if you are wearing makeup or not??

  7. I think personally that teachers judge you more by what you learn in class more than your makeup. They don't care about your looks they are there to teach you. If you learn and show the teacher that you have learnt what they have taught you, then you will gain their respect.

  8. no not at all i am 13 and wear make up every day but thats because of my  ugly face.....!!!! jk but just wear light makeup and if you get in trouble- act like a blond and say "welli wore to my friends  party yesterday and it wont come off for a while!!!"

  9. i thnk they thnk less of u on wat u wear if u dress like a s**t theyll b like omg she needs help or sumthng makeup probably like 1 time i wore a bunch of eyeliner n she kept looking at me like giving me weird looks

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