
Do you think your train of thought is to an extent manipulated by the media?

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Or do you believe your opinions are completley your own?




  1. They usually tick me off by slanting the story in one direction and not telling the entire story in a non-biased manner.

  2. my opinions are completely my own, but that has caused much grating over the years.people are all too ready to follow the sheepish crowd.

  3. I can honestly say it was very influenced by the media until recently.

    I think most media, especially in the US, is under tight control...maybe even to hide some things in a "wag the dog" type way.

    I mean did CNN go from covering world news to Britney Spears' latest exploits?

    Why is that important to me?

  4. My opinions are my own. I do not like all the music that is out today. I do not get Botox on my lunch break like all of the movie stars etc LOL Just trying to be honest.

  5. I guess it depends on the situation.

    At some extent, the media has altered my view point, in good and bad ways.

    It just all depends on the situation.


  6. Depends how you see the media-consumer relationship. Do we select popular media which influences us, or do we select media according to our views, and just have the media reinforce them?

  7. I like to think that I can make a reasonably informed choice; I have my own film business and know all the tricks in the book when it comes to drawing an emotion or narrative out of footage through editing/music etc.

    That said I think that aspects such as advertisements and branding are very sophisticated so who knows

    I like to keep the mindset that I am always being screwed by media; that way I at least stay vigilant

  8. Depends upon the story and where it stands - compared to how I was brought up. (my learned values)




    Where's your opinion now?

  9. It certainly is if you get your news from the mainstream media.  After all they show you PROGRAMMES! We are being programed.  I wonder where George Orwell got his ideas from......he worked for the BBC.  Look beyond mainstream media and turn your t.v. off!

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  10. It would be, if i allowed it in my head in the first place.

    TBH thats why i keep away from news papers .. people tell me im missing whats going on in the world.

    But in all honesty if you believe the papers then it is you who has not a clue what is really happening in the world.......;0)

  11. Think about the things that run through our heads every day, trivial, greedy, and selfish...not just you, me too, and how often does a billboard, or magazine pique your go somewhere besides America, where wondering where food is going to come from for dinner, or is this field safe to walk through are basic survival factors. Or any other country comparable to ours, celebrity doesn't sweep like it does here. Here people think they a born with a right to priviledge, other places they typically know their place, and what they will have to do to get it.

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