
Do you thinks its hard to find new friends since ALOT of people these days smoke and are into drugs?

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Do you thinks its hard to find new friends since ALOT of people these days smoke and are into drugs?




  1. Haha yeah.  I'm 16, I'll be a senior in the fall

    I do have a few friends who are virgins and don't smoke or drink, so I feel okay about hanging out with them.

    I have my boyfriend, who doesn't do any of that

    My best guy friend, who doesn't as well

    And my girl friend, who doesn't do any of it either

    I love hanging out with them because they respect themselves enough to respect their own values, and so they respect me as well.

    They were difficult to find, but they are ten times better friends than any of of my friends who are into substance abuse

  2. No, it shouldn't be that hard.  There are going to be many kids that will smoke at your school and take drugs, but you don't have to hang out with them.  You can be polite to them but don't be friendly.  There will also always be some kids that are not into smoking, drinking, or drugs.  Look for those kids and make friends with them.

  3. No.

    Before it was hard because I really cared and just judged and based people on what they looked like and what they did - I guess I was really snotty, but then after a while, I stopped, because drugs don't make the person and I met some great people, some who don't do drugs or drink and some who do.  

    People have always done drugs and stuff.  I think if anything, they're doing them less - omg, look at the 60s - and like the stuff you get now is a lot stronger and you can't really be sure what's in it anymore.  And you can't judge what someone does just by the way they look.  A lot of people think I'm on drugs, because I look like the type, but I don't.  I'm like, the cleanest of all of my friends, and sometimes that's a shocker for people.

  4. I think its hard because ppl you think arent or wouldnt do drugs you find out they do. And that is bizarre. Just hang with whoever makes you feel like you can trust them! I dont know! I live in a small town so kinda everybody knows everybody here!

  5. No, that stuff doesn't actually bug me.

    But I do have friends that don't do any of it, and they accept me for me.Ind its not like I go up to them and offer them a cigarette, or some weed. I don't do that stuff with them, however they do know that I do.  Not everyone who smokes or does a drug now and then is a bad person, I'd actually consider myself a very good person.

  6. No, because A LOT of them DON'T smoke and are NOT into drugs.  Just stick with people who you feel comfortable around and who will not pressure you into things you don't want to do.

  7. I'm 15 I've never had that problem I just avoid anyone who's into that stuff, i wen't to a dodgy school for a while and I guess my friend choices were more limited than the school I am at now.

    I'm just not prepared to compromise my own morals for the sake of having friends, but I've never been in a situation where there has been noone to me to befriend because they've all been into drugs and stuff.

    You can find good people almost anywhere if you look hard enough, by the way I'm not judging those with drug problems or labelling them "bad people" I'm just saying its really not that hard to avoid that scene

  8. No, I don't.  When I was in high school and college, less than half of the population smoked or did drugs.  In the work place, in my experience, most smoked but no one did drugs.  Just because someone smokes doesn't mean we can't be friends.  Drugs is a deal breaker though.  If you go to school with 500 people, that's at least 250 people you could potentially start a friendship with.  Sure, there are cigarettes and drugs in most schools, but its a smaller percentage of people actually doing it than most people think.  Lots of people talk about it, but they aren't all doing it.

  9. just cuz I smoke and do drugs you don't wanna be friends with me, what has this world gone to> kidding(I don't do that) not really their are alot of peop that don't do drugs and yeah.

    Go to church and you can make friends their cuz just to be save.

  10. depnds where your moving to. In gernal most kids don't smoke or do drugs and even if they do that can't be a sole decider of friendship.

  11. Yep.

    Some of these answers are lame. :P

    They obviously don't go to our schools.

    And no my school isn't "bad", it's actually the best in the district and full of mainly spoiled brats.

  12. It is always hard to find new friends. If you don't want a friend that drinks or smokes or does drugs, it may seem harder. The best place to find friends is at a place or within an activity that you are interested in.

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