
Do you thnk the kids will wake up if i ..........?

by  |  earlier

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sneak out to my car and raid my secret stash in the boot? they are 21 and 16.i have learn't by now that if i don't hide anything they eat /drink the lot.




  1. I hide stuff too but they always seem to find it.

    I have just accused my daughter of nicking my Nobby's nuts I had hidden away, she has gone off to bed in a huff and I have just found where I stashed them.

  2. Probably so do what I do.  Keep it in plain view then they will never know eh xx

  3. LOL!

  4. it kindia depends if your sneaky enough BE SNEAKY LIKE A NINJA        

                             /    SNEAK  \  

                             \                   /  


  5. be super sneaky like a spy

  6. Ha ha yes they will catch you,

  7. I had the same issue. i just bought a lock and put my stuff in a suitcase. Problem solved.

  8. hahaha you've made me chuckle!!

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