
Do you thrive on attention.....?

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and does having your friends ask you what's wrong 50 times in one minute make you feel powerful and at ease?

Sun, Rising, Moon, and Mercury signs please. All opinions are welcome.




  1. You're having girl problems I bet... Sometimes it's not so easy to say what's on your mind. Don't underestimate peoples problems, they could seem small to you while crushing their world. Or maybe they're embarassed to tell anyone.

    But yes, it is possible that the person just loves attention. Usually though, there's an underlying cause.  

  2. lol...such an appropriate question tonight!

    I've never wanted my friends to see when I'm upset because I didn't want to distress everyone and get them all worked up. I can't understand why a person would drag everyone in the world into their personal's just silly.

    I've also never understood the need of crying out "I'm leaving" just so people pat you on the head and say "oh, don't leave...we'll miss you sooooo much", because then, if you chose not to leave, you would look like a total player/flake and people would know you were full of c**p...and you would lose all credibility from then on out.

  3. I despise attention when I have problems. I want people to leave me alone. I don't want their false pity... it makes me want to slap their stupid little faces. I don't understand how people even want attention when it's all just so fake, and they almost certainly won't understand anyway.

    I will discuss my problems with someone very close to me who I KNOW actually cares.


  4. no. i blush when i get too much. Im shy lol

    and no, if my friend said " whats wrong" repeatedly id go crazy hehe

    virgo sun, virgo moon, aquarius rising

  5. No I'm happy talking about other people (in a good way) and being talked about (in a good way) my friends asking me what's wrong 50 times will not make me feel better, I would probably punch them in the face by then :)

  6. When someone asks me what's wrong repeatedly, I think..."Why are you so self centered that you think my mood has anything to do with you???"

  7. why too many tu i don't thrive on attention but i like to be different and sometimes that puts me on the spotlight....

  8. Ick, no! I hate that. I consider that badgering.  

    Cancer, Aquarius, Scorpio, Cancer

  9. like omg i love attention i love when people ask how i feel like all the time my friends ask i tell them im ok then they ask again and again yes i sort of like it it get annoying but i love it like all the time.

  10. Yes, I do thrive on attention. I'll admit it. I often play subtle games with people to get them to notice me without them even realizing it. There's something about their concern that comforts me. It's like I need to test their loyalty to me.

    Sun Libra, Moon Cancer, Mercury Libra

    I'll vote for you, Stewie. : )

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