half asleep, and words flow through my mind. i climb out of bed and start writing. i've never been a writer so i know its probably not good.
well here it is.
Through the eyes
of an ignored soul,
she sees a world
in which she hates.
Full of anger, and mistakes,
mosters and thieves.
she wonders
what she has done to deserve this.
She believes
its a nightmare.
but she never
wakes up.
They look past her,
never making an effort
to look at what she is
and what she coould be.
she's everything
but ordinary
her mind travels
beyond the unknown.
her eyes see everyone
and everything with a purpose.
her dreams venture
to the imossible,
though she finds
that everything is possible.
Through the eyes
of an ignored soul,
she has an unknown,
amazing purose.
But no oone makes the effort
to notice.
is it good??
constructive critism??