
Do you tip for help carrying bags out to car at Safeway?

by  |  earlier

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I have a broken leg, so I am using crutches. I need to do some grocery shopping. When alone, I will need the help of the staff to help me carry the bags out to my car.

Do you need to tip the guy who carries the bag out for you? and how much?




  1. No you don't have to tip, but it would be a nice thing to do. Depending on how many bags I had, I'd tip from 50 cents to a dollar a bag.

  2. Sorry about your broken leg, hope that it soon heals. It was not necessary but I always did.  Many people were and still are very kind to me because of my crutches.

  3. No, they make good wages.

  4. No...all part of the service.  Our local supermarket does not allow you to tip.  We pay enough for groceries.  This tipping business is totally out of control.  Everyone has their hand out for something.

  5. i am in a powerchair, so i need help all the time, and will need it for the rest of my life, most likely, so i only tip at Christmas time. Besides, a lot of grocery stores do not let them accept tips, so you could be getting them in trouble with management.  

  6. I'd say $3 or $4--$5 if it's a ton of groceries.  They may say the store doesn't allow them to accept tips, and then you can decide if you just want to insist.  

    If he won't accept tips then get his name and write a note to the manager about what a nice employee he is.  Those go in their files.

    I hope you heal well!  Good luck!

  7. you don't HAVE to but i would. I normally just pay at least $2-3 depending on how much he/she helped me. over that much would be too much.

  8. You can if you want as long as it isn't contrary to store policy.  That service can be awfully helpful, and I have in the past shown my appreciation with a couple of bills given discretely.

  9. I worked at an Albertson's store, but I assume Safeways are similar: employees are not usually allowed to accept tips, it's just part of their job. So always offer, it'll make you look good. And if they do accept, then you lose what? three dollars?  

  10. You can tip the person he/she who helps carries out your groceries as

    a courtesy and no you do not have to, but yes I would tip them because they are taking time away from their regular job  to help you.

  11. No.  Never have, never will.  Do be polite and thank them kindly for their help.

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