
Do you tip on the entire bill including cost of alcoholic drinks when in a restaurant.Doesnt waitress tip bart

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I thought patrons should tip on the entire bill which includes serving of alcohol. A friend of mine says she only tips on the food before tax. I always thought that the waittress not only pays her busboy 10-15 percent but also her bartender 3 percent. I always pay 20 percent of the bill including the cost of my alcohol drinks. Anyone else with me




  1. I always tip based on my entire bill.

  2. I don't care what anyone does with their tip, I tip on the entire bill.  It's common sense, AND simple.

  3. as bad as things are now for ppl working in restaurants.............servers in particular,it is crucial to tip is down 20% at all dining establishments.less ppl are dining out-it will likely get worse-if youre gonna go out and eat and pay 8 xs what it would have cost your lazy butt cuz you didnt want to cook at LEAST pay the hard working professional who makes your experience a pleasure.and if you actually have MORE money and want to pay for bar drinks that your server has to go make exra trips to go wait for bar drinks,she is probobly going to be spending less time at all her tbls.YES you tip your server on total.dont even try to figure tax,tip 20% of entire bill.take your bill.........figure out 10% its simple,than double that.dont go out to eat with that friend-you will have to overtip to compensate for ignorance.

  4. you tip for the entire bill

    drinks and all

  5. Tip on the entire bill.

    Yes, servers usually tip out to their bartenders. Your friend ... is a cheapskate :-)

    You on the other hand, with your 20% tipping policy, ROCK!

  6. yes your right.. the whole bill...

  7. I'm a waitress, and we don't have to tip the bartender, but if you're bugging her for a lot of drinks, then we give her $5 or more.

    I work days, and we have to make our own drinks. So we do make them and serve them. It all depends on where you work.

    Where I work, it's a restaurant upstairs, a bar/banquet room downstairs. The bar is only open at night. So we have to make our own drinks. At night, the waitresses have the bartender make them, but the waitress serves them.

    No matter how it works, you tip for the whole bill. Not just the food. I know some places don't make out well, because they do pay a busperson and a bartender. Where I work, we have no buspeople and no bartenders. So we hustle more than some.

  8. You are 110% correct and your friend is wrong and sounds very cheap. She is the type person servers despise as they "run" the server and then tip poorly. Always, always tip on entire check, 30% at a minimum if service is good.

    Servers tip out buspeople, bartenders, food runners, host/hostess.............Explain to your friend how real life works

  9. Yes, the waitress has to tip the bartender a certain percent of the tips she has earned.   If you sit at the bar and have your drinks there, tip the bartender directly.  If you have your server bring your drinks to your table, you better tip the server on the entire check!

  10. I have never heard of tipping only on the cost of the food and not alcoholic drinks.

    I tip on everything. In fact if I have a coupon or discount I tip on what the price would be without the coupon, because the waitress still has to serve all of the food.

    Of course I also tip according to the service. If the service sucks I have been known to leave a dime. If the service is good, I will tip 20% or more depending on how good.

  11. I tip for the whole tab, minus the sales tax ( when I remember to deduct it).  If I sit at the bar before being seated for dinner, I leave the bartender the tip there.

  12. You tip on the entire bill, minus the sales tax.  And I typically tip 20%, but it can go up or down, depending on the level of service.

  13. Tip on the entire bill...

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