
Do you tip one dollar over the first number on your check?

by  |  earlier

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For instance, leaving 7 dollars on a $60, or 5 on a $40.

I've noticed a lot of my customers do this, and they're almost ALWAYS people who thanked me for my service, and said I did a good job. Y'know, verbal tippers. I want to make this quite clear: At least 95% of the time there is NO WAY that it's because of my service.

So my question is this: If you do this, is it because someone told you it's what you're supposed to do? Did someone tell you that when you do that, it's generally 15 percent? I've had it happen so often that I can't help but wonder if people do it because it's some inaccurate trick they learned.

Because: 15% of a $60 bill is 9, and 15% of a $50 bill is 7.50.




  1. yes

  2. Was that a question or a rant?

  3. my mom does nails and she usually get 5 bucks on a 40 bucks pedicure and thts cheap. people just give random tips and some care cheap asses

  4. In my country, you only tip when you get out of the ordinary service.

    . It is not an accepted practise. Should be discouraged always.

    You get paid for giving service , so you have already been paid

    If you do not get paid enough , work some where else that pays more.

    Thats the reality unfortunately.

  5. Of course that is not appropriate!! It's not that hard to figure out 15-20 percent of you bill.  That should be your tip to your server.  What MANY people do not understand is that most servers are paid $3 an hour or less.  And for most servers, it is our second job. Please take care of your servers and bartenders, because we do remember how well or how bad people tip us.

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